Supported Functions

Zoho Analytics provides you with a variety of inbuilt functions which are predefined mathematical formulas designed to perform specific well-known calculations easily. This section lists the supported inbuilt functions. 

Formula Column In-built functions

The following table gives a list of inbuilt functions provided by Zoho Analytics, which can be used to create any formula. The inbuilt formulas are categorized/grouped based on the type of function.

Date Functions

Absolute Month - absmonth(date_column)This function will return month and year from a given date value with the format (Month, yyyy).absmonth('2011/8/7') = August, 2011
Absolute Quarter - absquarter(date_column)This function will return Quarter and year from a given date value with the format (Quarter, yyyy).absquarter('2011/8/7') = Q3, 2011
Absolute Week - absweek(date_column)This function will return week and year from a given date value with the format (Week, yyyy).absweek('06/04/2011') = W14, 2011
Add Date -
adddate(date_column, num_of_days)
This function will add the specified number of days(num_of_days) to the given date value.adddate('2011/8/7',10) = 2011/8/1
Add Week
addweek(date_column, num_of_weeks)
This function will add the specified number of weeks(num_of_weeks) to the given date value.addweek('2013-08-27',10) = 2013-11-05
Add Month
addmonth(date_column, num_of_months)
This function will add the specified number of months(num_of_months) to the given date value.addmonth('2013-08-27',10) = 2014-06-27
Add Quarter
addquarter(date_column, num_of_quarters)
This function will add the specified number of quarter(num_of_quarter) to the given date value.addquarter('2013-08-27',10) = 2016-02-27
Add Year
addyear(date_column, num_of_years)
This function will add the specified number of year(num_of_year) to the given date value.addyear('2013-08-27',10) = 2023-08-27
Add Time - addtime(data_column, time)


This function returns the day by adding the time to the given date column.

('2002/02/21 18:23:26', '01:20:10') = 2002/02/21 19:43:36
Add Hours
addhour(date_column, num_of_hours)
This function returns the day by adding the number of hours to the given date column.addhour('2013-08-27',10) = 2013-08-27 10:00:00
Add Minutes
addminute(date_column, num_of_minutes)
This function returns the day by adding the number of minutes to the given date column.addminute('2013-08-27',10) = 2013-08-27 00:10:00
Add Seconds
addsecond(date_column, num_of_seconds)
This function returns the day by adding the number of seconds to the given date column.addsecond('2013-08-27',10) = 2013-08-27 00:00:10
Peroid Add
period_add(year_month, num_of_months)
Adds the specified number of months to the period and returns in the format
period_add(198608,6) = 198702
Age Months
age_months(from_date, to_date [Optional])
This function returns the age in months between the two given date columnsage_months('2013-08-27','2014-06-28') = 10
Age Years
age_years(from_date, to_date [Optional])
This function returns the age in months between the two given date columnsage_years('2013-08-27','2018-08-03') = 4
Business Completion Day
business_completion_day(from_date, num_of_days, exclude_weekends [Optional])
This function returns the date adding the given number of days excluding the specified weekends. In case weekends is not provided, then Saturday and Sunday are considered as weekends by default.business_completion_day('2018-01-01',10) = 2018-01-15
Business Days
business_days(from_date, to_date, exclude_weekends [Optional])
This function returns the count of the business days between the two given date columns excluding specified weekends. In case weekends is not provided, then Saturday and Sunday are considered as weekends by default.business_days('2018-01-27','2018-08-03') = 134
Business Hours
​business_hours(from_datetime, to_datetime, work_start_time, work_end_time, exclude_weekends [Optional])
This function returns the count of business hours in the business days between the two given datetime columns. In case weekends is not provided, then Saturday and Sunday are considered as weekends by default.business_hours('2018-01-27 10:00:00','2018-08-03 08:00:00','09:00:00','10:00:00','1000001') = 134
Convert String to Date
convert_string_to_date(string_column, date_format_of_the_value)
Converts the string into date and returns it in the specified format.convert_string_to_date('24/12/2009', '%d/%m/%Y') = 2009-12-24
Convert to Datetime
convert_to_datetime(string_column, date_format)
This function returns the date-time value by converting the given string.convert_to_datetime('2013 Aug 27','yyyy MMM dd') = 27 Aug, 2013
Convert TZ
convert_tz(date_column, current_timezone_offset, timezone_to_be_converted_offset)
This function returns the date and time value in converted timezone.convert_tz('2004-01-01 12:00:00','+00:00','+10:00') = 2004-01-01 22:00:00
Current Date 
This function returns the current date of the computer or server.currentdate() = 15 Sep, 2011 10:06:18
Current Time
This function returns the current time. 
Current Timestamp
This function returns the current date and time. 
Returns the current date and time. 
Returns today's date. 
Returns tomorrow's date. 
Returns yesterday's date. 
UTC date
Returns the current UTC date. 
UTC time
Returns the current UTC time. 
UTC date-time 
Returns the current UTC date-time value. 
This function returns the date part of the given date and time'2013-08-07 14:15:16') = 2013-08-07
Date Format
date_format(date_column, date_format_to_be_converted)
This function returns the string form of the date for given date format.date_format('2008-08-03','%W %M %Y') = Sunday August 2008
Date and Time Diff - dateand
timediff(Unit, From Date, To Date[optional]
This function returns the date and time difference between two date columns based on the units specified. The supported units are SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR, DAY, WEEK, MONTH, QUARTER, YEAR.dateandtimediff(DAY, '2015-01-01', '2015-05-01')=120
The above example returns the difference between the given dates in Days.
Date and Time Diff in Duration -
datetime_diff_in_duration(date_column, date_column [Optional])
Calculates the date-time difference between the given columns, and returns it as duration. 
  • datetime_diff_in_duration('1990-08-17 14:15:16', '1990-08-17 16:15:14') = 0.1:59:58
  • datetime_diff_in_duration('1990-08-17 14:15:16') = 11743.17:18:40
Date Diff
datediff(date_column1, date_column2)
This function returns the difference between the two given date columns.datediff('2011/8/11','2010/9/11') = 334
Period Diff
period_diff(year_month, year_month)
Returns the difference between two periods in months.period_diff(198608,198602) = 2
Day - day(date_column)This function returns the day of the given date '2011/9/9') = 
Day Name
This function returns the name of the weekday for the given date value(Sunday,Monday,...).dayname('1990-08-07') = Tuesday
Day of Week 
This function will return the number of the day of week of the given date value (Sunday = 1, Monday = 2,...).dayofweek('2011/9/9') = 6
Day of Month
This function returns the day of the month for the given date value.dayofmonth('1990-08-07') = 7
Day of Quarter
This function returns the count of days from the start day of the quarter to the given date value.dayofquarter('2017-08-07') = 38
Day of Year - dayofyear(date_column)This function will return the number of the day of the year of the given date value (0 through 365).dayofyear('2011/9/2') = 245
Days Between
​days_between(from_date, to_date [Optional])
This function returns the count of day between the two given date.days_between('2018-01-27','2018-08-03') = 188
End date
end_day(date_units, date_column)
This function returns the end date for the given date value and date units.end_day(month,'2018-08-27') = 2018-08-31
First Date Current Week
first_date_current_week(date_column, week_start_day [Optional])
This function returns the day the current week begins with. You can choose to set the start day of your week in the parameter week_start_day by specifying 1 - Sunday, 2- Monday,... 7 - Saturday. By default Sunday is the first day of the week.first_date_current_week('2013-10-11') = 2013-10-06
From Unixtime - fromunixtime(seconds)This function returns the unix time for the given seconds value.fromunixtime('1000') = 1970/01/01 05:46:40
Hour - hour(date_column)This function returns the hour of the given date value.hour('2011/8/7 10:35:23') = 10
Last Day - lastday(date_column)This function returns the last day of the month for the given date value.lastday('2011/9/7') = 2011/9/30
Last N Days
last_nday(date_column, num_of_days)
This function returns a date that is N number of days before the given date.last_nday('2018-08-04',15) = 2018-07-21
Last N Months
last_nmonth(date_column, num_of_months)
This function returns the date value for the given year and num_of_days values.last_nmonth('2018-08-04',15) = 2017-06-04
Next N Days
​next_nday(date_column, num_of_days)
Returns a date that is N number of days after the given date. This is calculated
from a day after the given date.
next_nday('2018-08-04',15) = 2018-08-19
Next N Month
next_nmonth(date_column, num_of_months)
Returns a date that is N number of months after the given date. This is calculated
from a day after the given date.
next_nmonth('2018-08-04',15) = 2019-11-04
Next Weekday
next_weekday(date_column, weekday)
Returns the next date when the specified weekday falls.next_weekday('2018-08-01',1) = 2018-08-05
Previous N Day
previous_nday(date_column, num_of_days)
Returns a date that is N number of days before the given date. This is calculated from a day before the given date.previous_nday('2018-08-04',15) = 2018-07-20
Previous N Months
previous_nmonth(date_column, num_of_months)
Returns a date that is N number of months before the given date. This is calculated from a day before the given date.previous_nmonth('2018-08-04',15) = 2017-05-04
Make Date - makedate(year,num_of_days)This function returns the date value for the given year and number of the day value (0 through 365)makedate('2011','23') = 2011/1/23
This function returns the microsecond value from the given date-time argument value.microsecond('1990-08-07 10:35:23.3427') = 342700
Minute - minute(date_column)This function returns the minutes of the given date value.minute('2011/8/7 10:35:23') = 35
Second - second(date_column)This function returns the seconds of the given date/time value.second('2011/9/7 10:35:23') = 23
Modified Time -modifiedtime()   This function returns the created time of the record (if the record is newly added) or the last modified time of the record. When you apply this function, initially it will return the time at which the formula has been created. Subsequently it will return only the modified time of the record. 
Month - month(date_column)This function returns the name of the month of the given date value.month('2011/9/7') = September
Month Name
This function returns the name of the month of the given date value.monthname('2011/9/7') = September
Month Number  - monthnum(date_column)This function returns the number of the month of the given date value.monthnum('2011/9/7') = 9
Months Between
months_between(from_date, to_date [Optional], iswhole_value [Optional])
Returns the count of months in fractional value considering 31 days as a month.months_between('2013-08-27','2018-08-03',1) = 59
Quarter - quarter(date_column)This function returns the quarter of the given date value.quarter('2011/8/7') = Q3
Quarter Name
quartername(date_column, fiscal_start_month [Optional])
Returns the quarter name of the given date value as a string.quartername('1990-08-07') = Q3
Quarter Number
quarternum(date_column, fiscal_start_month [Optional]) 
Returns the quarter of the given date in numeric format.quarternum('1990-08-07') = 3
Second to Time
Converts the given number of seconds to time and returns it in hours, minutes and seconds.sec_to_time(86399) = 23:59:59
Returns the seconds of the given date value.second('1990-08-07 10:35:23') = 23
Start Date
start_day(date_units, date_column)
Returns the start date for given date value and date units.start_day(month,'2018-08-27') = 2018-08-01
Sub Date - subdate(date_column,num_of_days)This function returns the date by subtracting the number of days(num_of_days) from the given date value.subdate('2011/9/15','6') = 1990/9/9
Sub Time - subtime(date_column,time)This function returns the date by subtracting the time from the given date with time value.subtime('2011/02/21 18:23:26','01:20:10') = 2011/02/21 17:03:16
Returns the time value of the given date-time value argument.time('2013-08-07 14:15:16') = 14:15:16
Time Format
time_format(time, time_format_to_be_converted)
Converts the time to the specified format and returns the same.time_format('19:30:41.32','%H %h %i %s %f') = 19 07 30 41 320000
Time to Sec
Converts the time value in hours and minutes to seconds and returns the same.time_to_sec('2013-08-07 14:15:16') = 51316
Time Diff
timediff(to_date, from_date)
Returns the difference between two time values passed in the 2 arguments.timediff('1990-08-17 16:15:14','1990-08-17 14:15:16') = 01:59:58
Returns the date time expression for a given date value.timestamp('2008-11-05') = 2008-11-05 00:00:00
Timestamp Add
timestampadd(unit, numeric_column, date_column)
Returns the date time after adding the specified number of interval.timestampadd(week,1,'2008-11-05 19:00:00') = 2008-11-12 19:00:00
Timestamp Diff
timestampdiff(unit, from_date, to_date)
Subtracts the first argument from the second argument and returns the value in the
specified unit.
timestampdiff(year,'2002-05-01','2001-01-01') = -1
Timestamp Diff in Duration - timestamp_diff_in_duration(date_column, date_column)Calculates the date time difference between the given timestamp columns  and returns it as duration.timestamp_diff_in_duration('1990-08-17 16:15:14', '1990-08-17 14:15:16') = 0.1:59:58
Unix Timestamp
unix_timestamp(date_column [Optional])
Calculates the total number of seconds fromï¿1⁄2 the date '1970-01-01 00:00:00' to the given date-timeï¿1⁄2 and returns the same.unix_timestamp('2018-10-10 12:35:45') = 1539174945
Returns the week of the given date.week('2008-01-14') = 2
Returns weekday of the given date value.weekday('1990-08-07') = Tuesday
Week of Month
Returns the week number of the month for the given date value.weekofmonth('2008-01-14') = 3
Week of Year
weekofyear(date_column, week_start_day [Optional], week_mode [Optional], fiscal_start_month [Optional]
Returns the week number of the given date as numeric value.weekofyear('1990-08-07') = 32
Year - year(date_column)This function returns year from the given date value.year('2011/9/7') = 2011
Year Week
Returns the year and week of the given date.yearweek('2008-01-14') = 200802

Duration Functions

Add Duration  - add_duration(
duration_column, duration_column)
Returns the duration in the default format ('%D.%H:%m:%s') by adding the values in the specified duration columns.
  • add_duration
    ('5.0:0:0', '2.1:2:3') = 7.1:2:3
  • add_duration
    ('3.5:20:30', '1.30:45:40') = 5.12:06:10
Add Days to Duration -
duration_column, num_of_days)
Returns the duration in the default format ('%D.%H:%m:%s') by adding the number of days to the specified duration column.add_days_to_duration
('100.11:22:33', 5)= 105.11:22:33
Add Hours to Duration - add_hours_to_duration(
duration_column, num_of_hours)
Returns the duration in the default format ('%D.%H:%m:%s') by  adding the given number of hours to the specified duration column.add_hours_to_duration
('100.11:22:33', 5) = 100.16:22:33
Add Minutes to Duration - add_minutes_to_duration(
duration_column, num_of_minutes)
Returns the duration in the default format ('%D.%H:%m:%s')by  adding the given number of minutes to the specified duration column.add_minutes_to_duration
('100.11:22:33', 5) = 100.11:27:33
Add Seconds to Duration - add_seconds_to_duration(
duration_column, num_of_seconds)
Returns the duration in the default format ('%D.%H:%m:%s') by adding the given number of seconds to the specified duration column.add_seconds_to_duration
('100.11:22:33', 5) = 100.11:22:38
Add Weeks to Duration -add_weeks_to_duration(
duration_column, num_of_weeks)
Returns the duration in the default format ('%D.%H:%m:%s') by adding the given number of weeks to the specified duration column.add_weeks_to_duration
('100.11:22:33', 5) = 135.11:22:33
Duration to Month - Duration_to_months
Identifies the number of months present in the duration value and return it as a number.duration_to_months
('500.10:35:23') = 16
Duration to Days - duration_to_days(
Identifies the number of days present in  the duration argument and returns it as a number.duration_to_days
('500.10:35:23') = 500
Duration to Hours - duration_to_hours(
Identifies the number of hours present in the duration argument and returns it as a number.duration_to_hours
('500.10:35:23') = 12010
Duration to Minutes - 

Identifies the number of minutes present in the duration argument and returns it as a number.
('500.10:35:23') = 720635
Duration to Seconds -  

Identifies the number of seconds present in  the duration argument and returns it as a number.
'500.10:35:23') = 43238123
Duration to Weeks - duration_to_weeks(duration_column)Identifies the number of weeks present in the duration argument and returns it as a number.duration_to_weeks(
'500.10:35:23') = 71
Duration to Years - duration_to_years(duration_column)
Identifies the number of years present in the duration argument and returns it as a number.duration_to_years
('500.10:35:23') = 1
Make Duration - make_duration
(num_of_years, num_of_months, num_of_weeks, num_of_days, num_of_hours, num_of_minutes, num_of_seconds)

Calculates the duration using the given number of years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds. Returns the calculated values in the default format ('%D.%H:%m:%s'). 

Enter 0 if any of the specified arguments (years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds) does not have a value. 

('1', '11', 0, '21', '9', 50,' 5.777') = 721.10:59:23
Subtract Duration - sub_duration(duration_column, duration_column)Returns the duration in the default format ('%D.%H:%m:%s') by subtracting the values in the specified  duration columns.
  • sub_duration
    ('5.05:03:04', '2.01:00:00') = 3.04:03:04
  • sub_duration
    ('2.01:00:00', '5.05:03:04') = -3.04:03:04
Subtract Days from Duration - sub_days_from_duration
(duration_column, num_of_days)
Returns the duration in the default format ('%D.%H:%m:%s') by subtracting the given number of days to the specified duration column.
  • sub_days_from_duration
    ('9.07:06:06', 5) = 4.07:06:06
  • sub_days_from_duration
    ('9.07:06:06', 10) = -0.16:53:54
Subtract Hours from Duration - sub_hours_from_duration
(duration_column, num_of_hours)
Returns the duration in the default format ('%D.%H:%m:%s') by subtracting the given number of hours to the specified duration column.
  • sub_hours_from_duration
    ('9.07:06:06', 5) = 9.02:06:06
  • sub_hours_from_duration
    ('9.02:16:45', 5) = 8.21:16:45
  • sub_hours_from_duration
    ('9.02:16:45', 45) =  7.05:16:45
Subtract Minutes from Duration -sub_minutes_from_duration
(duration_column, num_of_minutes)
Returns the duration in the default format ('%D.%H:%m:%s') by subtracting the given number of minutes to the specified duration column.
  • sub_minutes_from_duration
    ('9.07:06:06', 5) = 9.07:01:06
  • sub_minutes_from_duration
    ('8.04:08:06', 15) = 8.03:53:06
  • sub_minutes_from_duration
    ('8.04:08:06', 75) =  8.02:53:06
Subtract Seconds from Duration -sub_seconds_from_duration
(duration_column, num_of_seconds
Returns the duration in the default format ('%D.%H:%m:%s') by subtracting the given number of seconds to the specified duration column.
  • sub_seconds_from_duration
    ('9.07:06:06', 5) = 9.07:06:01
  • sub_seconds_from_duration
    ('9.07:06:06', 15) = 9.07:05:51
Subtract Weeks from Duration -sub_weeks_from_duration(
duration_column, num_of_weeks)
Returns the duration in the default format ('%D.%H:%m:%s') by subtracting the given number of weeks to the specified duration column.Sub_weeks_from_durrom_duration
('200.07:06:06', 5) = 165.07:06:06
To Duration - to_duration(numeric_column,[duration_unit])Converts the numeric column into duration data type. The conversion is based on the duration unit specified.
By default, the duration unit is taken as second.
  • to_duration(40) = 0.00:00:40
  • to_duration(5, minute) = 0.00:05:00
  • to_duration(1.75, hour) = 0.01:45:00
  • to_duration(40, days) = 40.00:00:00
Round Duration - round_duration(duration_column,duration_scale)Returns the duration value rounded to the given duration scale.
  • round_duration('122.22:38:58.629', second) = 122.22:38:59
  • round_duration('122.22:38:58.629', minute) = 122.22:39:00
  • round_duration('122.22:38:58.629', hour) = 122.23:00:00
  • round_duration('122.22:38:58.629', day) = 123.00:00:00

Numeric Functions

Abs - abs(numeric_column)This function returns the absolute value (number without sign) of the 'numeric_column'pi() = 3.14159265358979
Acos - acos(numeric_column)This function returns the arc cosine value of the specified 'numeric_column'. Returns NULL if the 'numeric_column' is not in the range-1 to 1.pow(2,3) = 8
Asin - asin(numeric_column)This function returns the arc sine value of the specified 'numeric_column'. Returns NULL if the 'numeric_column' is not in the range-1 to 1.rand() = 0.282164005825449
Atan - atan(numeric_column)This function returns the arc tangent value of the specified 'numeric_column'.atan(2) = 1.107149
Atan2 - atan2(numeric_column1, numeric_column2)This function returns the arc tangent of the specified columns 'numeric_column1' / 'numeric_column2atan2(0.8, 0.6) = 0.927295
Ceil - ceil(numeric_column)This functions rounds the 'numeric_column' to the nearest integer which is greater than the 'numeric_column'ceil(11.56) = 12
Returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the value of the
ceiling(10.43) = 11
conv(column, current_base, to_be_converted_base)
Converts the number string from the given base to the required base.conv('a',16,2) = 1010

Convert base

convertbase(column, current_base, to_be_converted_base)

Returns the converted string representation of the number N, from current base to
the to be converted base.
convertbase('a',16,2) = 1010
Cos - cos(numeric_column)This function returns the cosine value of the specified 'numeric_column'cos(0) = 1
Cot - cot(numeric_column)This function returns the cotangent value of the specified 'numeric_column'cot(0.25) = 3.916317
Returns a 32 bit unsigned output after calculating the cyclic redundency check.crc32('111') = 1298878781
Degrees - degrees(numeric_column)This function returns the angle in Degrees equivalent to the given Radiansdegrees(1) = 57.2957795
Exp - exp(numeric_column)This function returns the exponential value of the 'numeric_column'exp(2) = 7.389056
Floor - floor(numeric_column)Rounds the 'numeric_column' to the nearest integer which is less than the 'numeric_column'floor(11.56) = 11
format(numeric_column1, numeric_column2)
Formats the number by rounding off the number to decimal places specified in the second argument and returns the value.format(1.0001111,5) = 1.00011
Greatest - greatest(numeric_column,..., numeric_column)Gives the greatest of the given arguments.greatest(10,20,5) = 20
Least - least(numeric_column,..., numeric_column)Gives the least of the given arguments.log10(3) = 0.477121
Ln - ln(numeric_column)This function returns the natural logarithm of the specified 'numeric_column'ln(5) = 1.609438
Returns the logarithm to the base-2 of the numeric column.log2(32) = 5
Log10 - log10(numeric_column)This function returns the logarithm to the base-10 of the specified 'numeric_column'log10(3) = 0.477121
Log2 - log2(numeric_column)This function returns the logarithm to the base-2 of the 'numeric_columnlog2(32) = 5
Mod - mod(numeric_column1, numeric_column2)Returns the remainder of the 'numeric_column1' divided by 'numeric_column2'mod(10,3) = 1
Returns the octal value of the number given in the argument.oct(12) = 14
Pi - pi()This function returns the numeric value of the pi.pi() = 3.14159265358979
Power - pow(numeric_column1, numeric_column2)This function returns the value of 'numeric_column1' raised to the power of 'numeric_column2'pow(2,3) = 8
Random - rand()Returns a random value between 0 and 1.rand() = 0.9233482386203
Radians - radians(numeric_column)Returns the angle in radians equivalent to the given degreesradians(180) = 3.1415926
Round - round(numeric_column)Returns the rounded integer value of the 'numeric_column'.round(10.67) = 11
Sign - sign(numeric_column)Returns-1, 0, or 1, if the 'numeric_column' is negative, zero, or positive.sign(-23) =-1
Sin - sin(numeric_column)Returns the sine value of the 'numeric_column'.sin(0) = 0
Square - square(numeric_column)Returns the square of the specified 'numeric_column'.square(10) = 100
Square Root - sqrt(numeric_column)Returns the square root of the specified 'numeric_column'.sqrt(16) = 4
Tan - tan(numeric_column)Returns the tangent value of the specified 'numeric_column'.tan(0.5) = 0.546302

String Functions

Returns the ASCII value of the first character of the given argument.ascii('abcddb') = 97
Bit Length
Returns the value of the length of the string argument in bits.bit_length('AA') = 16
Returns a String of characters formed from the code values of the ASCII code
given in the arguments.
char(97,98) = ab
Char Length
Returns the number of characters present in the argument.char_length('aa1') = 3
Character Length
Returns the number of characters present in the argument.character_length('aa1') = 3
Concat - concat(string_column,...,string_column)Returns the concatenated string of the given arguments. If any one of the argument is null, it returns null.concat('abcd','ef','db') = abcdefdbd
Concat Ignore Null
concat_ignore_null(string_column1, string_column2, ...)
Returns the concatenated string of the given value ignoring null.concat('abcd','ef',null,'db') = abcdefdb
Concat_WS - concat_ws(separator,string_column1
Returns the concatenated string of the given arguments separated by the given separator. If the separator is null, it returns null.concat_ws('-','abcd','ef','db') = abcd-ef-db
elt(numeric_column, string_column1, string_column2, ...)
Returns the string value available at the index number specified in the first
elt('2','red','rose','is','beautiful') = rose
extract_json(json data, path 1, path 2, ...)
Extracts the value from the given JSON based on the key and index  provided.extract_json(' "Name": "Jane Doe", "Address": ["Los Angeles", "California"1}', 'Address', '[0]') = Los Angeles
field(string_column1, string_column2, ...)
Searches the value in the first argument with all the rest of the arguments and
returns the position of the argument where the first match is found.
field('as','has','as','have') = 2
Find in Set
find_in_set(string_column, string_column)
Searches the value in the first argument with the substrings in the second argument, seperated by commas, and returns the position of the substring where the first match is found.find_in_set('10','2,5,8,10') = 4
Returns the corresponding hexadecimal number for each character of the given
hex(255) = FF
Insert - insert(string_column, start_pos, len, new_string)Returns the string 'string_column', with the substring beginning at position 'start_pos' and 'len' characters long replaced by the string 'new_string'. 'start_pos' should be greater than 0. When len is zero, the 'new_string' is inserted previous to the position 'start_pos'.insert('abcddb', 3, 2, 'efgh') = abefghdb
Initial Cap
Converts the first character to upper case.initcap('analytics') = Analytics
Index of - indexof(string_column, sub_string)Returns the index of the first occurrence of the string 'sub_string' in string 'string_column'.indexof('abcddb','db') = 5
instr(string_column, sub_string)
Returns the position of the first match of second string argument in the first
instr('impossible','possible') = 3
Returns the string 'string_column' with all characters of the given column
changed to lowercase.
lcase('ABCd') = abcd
Left - left(string_column, len)Returns the 'len' number of characters from the left-hand side of the string 'string_column'.left('abcdef',3) = abc
Length - length(string_column)Returns the character length of the string.length('abcddb') = 6
locate(sub_string, string_column, start_pos)
Returns the index of the first occurence of the string 'sub_string' in string
'string_column' starting at the position 'start_pos'.
locate('db','zohodbdb',6) = 7
Returns the string 'string_column' with all characters of the given column
changed to lowercase.
lower('AbCD') = abcd
Lowercase - lowercase(string_column)Returns the string 'string_column' with all characters changed to lowercase.lowercase('AbCD') = abcd
Lpad - lpad(string_column, len, pad_string)Returns the string 'string_column', left-padded to a length of 'len' characters with the string 'pad_string'. If length of the string 'string_column' is greater than 'len', then the first 'len' characters of 'string_column' is returned.lpad('DB',5,'a') = aaaDB
Ltrim - ltrim(string_column)Returns the string 'string_column' with leading spaces removed.ltrim(' abcd') = abcd
Make Set
make_set(numeric_column, string_column, ...)
Returns the corresponding 'set' of arguments from the string arguments that have
the bit specified in the first argument.
make_set(1,'a','b','c') = a
mid(string_column, start_pos, string_len)
Return a string from 'string_column' starting at position 'start_pos' with a
character length of 'len'.
mid('abcddb', 1, 4) = abcd
Octet Length
Returns the byte length of the string.octet_length('abcddb') = 6
If the first character of the string argument is a multi-byte character, then the code calculated from the below formula is returned. 1st byte code + (2nd byte code * 256) + (3rd byte code * 256 * 256) + . . .ord('2') = 50
Repeat - repeat(string_column,count)repeat('Abcd',3) = 'AbcdAbcdAbcd' 
Replace - replace(string_column, from_string, to_string)Returns the string with all occurrences of the string 'from_str' replaced by the string 'to_str'replace('abcdac','ac','db') = abcddb
Reverse - reverse(string_column)Returns the reverse string of 'string_column'.reverse('abcd') = dcba
Right - right(string_column, len)Returns the 'len' number of characters from the right-hand side of the string 'string_column'right('abcdef',4) = cdef
Rpad - rpad(string_column, len, pad_string)Returns the string 'string_column', right-padded to a length of 'len' characters with the string 'pad_string'. If length of the string 'string_column' is greater than 'len', then the first 'len' characters of 'string_column' is returnedrpad('DB',5,'a') = DBaaa
Rtrim - rtrim(string_column)Returns the string 'string_column' with trailing spaces removed.rtrim('abcd ') = abcd
Returns a soundex string from 'string_column'. The soundex string is similar for
same sounding strings.
soundex('Hello') = H400
The argument value is returned as the number of space = ' '
Strcmp - strcmp(string_column1, string_column2)Returns -1 if the 'string_column1' is smaller than the 'string_column2', 0 if the two strings are same, and 1 if the 'string_column1' is greater than the 'string_column2'.strcmp('abcd', 'abcde') =-1
substr(string_column, start_pos, string_len [Optional])
Returns the substring formed by cutting off the string argument passed according
to the needs.
substr('abcddb', 2,) = bcddb
Substring - substring(string_column, start_pos, string_len)Returns a substring from 'string_column'. The substring begins at position 'start_pos' with the character length of 'string_len'.substring('abcddb', 1, 4) = abcd
Substring Between
substring_between(string_column, sub_string, sub_string, start_pos [Optional])
Returns the characters between the two given substrings in the main string.substring_between('abcddb','b','d',1) = c
Substring Count
substring_count(string_column, sub_string)
Returns the count of substring occurred in the main string.substring_count('abcddb','cd') = 1
Substring Index
substring_index(string_column, delimiter, delimiter_count)
Returns the substring from string 'string_column' before count 'delimiter_count'
occurrences of the delimiter 'delimiter'.
substring_index('', '.', 2) = how.are
Substring Position
substring_position(string_column, sub_string, start_pos [Optional])
Returns the position of substring in the main string.substring_position('abcddb','cd') = 3
Trim - trim(string_column)Returns the string with all spaces removed in prefix and suffix of the string.trim(' abcd ') = abcd
Returns the string 'string_column' with all characters changed to uppercase.ucase('abcD') = ABCD
Returns the corresponding character for each pair of hexadecimal digits.unhex('21') = !
Returns the string 'string_column' with all characters changed to uppercase.upper('abcD') = ABCD
Uppercase - uppercase(string_column)  Returns the string 'string_column' with all characters changed to uppercase.uppercase('abcD') = ABCD

Logical Functions

IF - if(expr1,expr2,expr3)Returns expr2 if expr1 is true else it returns expr3if(5> 10,100,3) = 3
If Case
if_case(column, matchExpr1, returnValue1, matchExpr2, returnValue2, ..., elseValue [Optional])
Returns the 'returnValue' if the given column satisfied with 'matchExpr'.if_case('Subject','issue','Issue List',equals('bug'),'Bug List','Support List') = if the 'Subject' column equals issue then it returns 'Issue List' else if 'Subject' column equals 'bug' then it returns 'Bug List' else it returns 'Support List' if_case('Subject',startswith('issue','bug'),'Issue List',contains('help','Call'),'Call List','Support List') = if the 'Subject' column starts with 'issue' or 'bug' then it returns 'Issue List' else if 'Subject' column contains 'help' or 'Call' then it returns 'Call List' else it returns 'Support List'
Ifnull - ifnull(expr1,expr2)Returns expr1 if expr1 is not null, else it return expr2ifnull(null,10) = 10
Is Empty
Returns '1' if the given column does not have any value. Returns '0' if the given
column have some value.
isempty(null) = 1
isnull( ) - isnull(expr1)Returns 1 if expr1 is null, else it returns 0.isnull(null)- 1

General Functions


To Email  

Syntax: to_email(column)

Converts the plain text column in email format to email datatype.to_email( =

To Currency   

Syntax:  to_currency(numeric_column)

Converts the numeric column to currency data type,to_currency(3854) = $3854

To Percentage 

Syntax: to_percentage(numeric_column)

Converts the numeric column to percentage datatype.to_percentage(83) = 83%
to_percentage(83.54) = 83.54%

To positive integer 

Syntax: to_positive_integer(column)

Converts the negative values in the numeric column to positive number datatype.to_positive_integer(-40) = 40

To decision box

Syntax: to_decision_box(column)

Converts plain text values and boolean values like yes, no, true, false, on, off, 1 and 0 to decision box (Yes/No) data type. Values other than the above mentioned value will be returned as Null.to_decision_box(yes) = Yes


Syntax: coalesce(null,null,1,...)

Returns 1 if expr1 is null, else it returns 0.coalesce(null,null,4) = 4