User Roles and Management

Zoho Analytics allows you to manage your account and collaborate with your colleagues and users within a segregated space called Organization. Within each Organization, you can create unlimited Workspaces for analyzing discrete datasets.

Zoho Analytics provides a role based model to enable effective collaboration, and control the access over your data. You can manage who can access your data and what privileges they have, by associating appropriate roles for your users. To make this easier, Zoho Analytics provides a set of predefined roles. In addition to that, you can also create your own custom roles.

The following are the supported user roles in Zoho Analytics.

  • Account Administrator - Account Administrator is the person who owns the Zoho Analytics account and has the authority to perform all possible operations available. There can only be one Account Administrator for an account.
  • Organization Administrators - Organization Administrators are the Administrators of the organization in Zoho Analytics. Account Administrator can add multiple Organization Administrators to an Organization.
    An Organization Administrator can perform all the operations inside their Organization except managing other Organization Administrators.
  • Workspace Administrators - Each Zoho Analytics account can contain unlimited number of Workspaces (read more about Workspaces). Workspace Administrators are the Administrators of specific Workspaces in an Organization. Workspace Administrators can be added by the Account Administrator and Organization Administrators.
    A Workspace Administrator can perform all the operations in a Workspace, except renaming, deleting, or backing up the Workspace.
  • Users - Shared Users are users with access to specific views shared to them by one of the Administrators. They can perform operations that are granted to them by the Administrators over the shared views. 
  • Viewers - Viewers are users with read only access to specific views shared to them by one of the Administrators. 
  • Custom Role - Custom roles are account level roles that can be defined with a customized set of permissions for your users. You can define fine-grained permissions for each custom role you create, based on your specific needs. Users associated to these custom roles inherit all the defined permissions over the workspaces shared with them. 

Click here to learn more about User Management in Zoho Analytics.