Asset Requests

The Asset Requests modules enables you to view asset requests raised by the employees and manage the approval process.

The following are the modules under Asset Requests:

Approvals - This module will be accessible to the Asset Request Approver, Branch Manager, and the Admin. There are three tabs in this module, and they display Pending (requesting awaiting approval), Approved (requests granted approval), and Rejected (requests not approved) requests, respectively.

Request Assignment - This module will be accessible to the Asset Request Approver, Branch Manager, and the Admin. The Assigned and Unassigned requests are displayed in two separate tabs.

  • Unassigned: If the request assignment method is pickup, then this report will contain all requests with a Pickup custom action. When an unassigned request is picked up by an agent, the request is moved to the assigned tab. If the request assignment method is Staff Assigned, then this report will contain all approved requests with a custom action Staff Assign. Along with the staff the due date and priority also needs to be set.
  • Assigned: This report displays all requests that have been assigned to a service agent but not completed yet.

Assigned to me

This report enables individual service agents to view the requests that are assigned to them.

  • Assigned to me: All requests assigned to a service agent will be listed. When the task is complete, the agent can click the Complete Request custom action button, add necessary images and notes, and submit it. Following this, the request would be moved to the Completed tab.
  • Completed: All requests that have been completed by the service agent will be listed here.