Wellness Setup

The Wellness Setup module enables you to configure the parameters for your wellness policies. There are three sections that help you determine your employee wellness indicators: Self Assessment Policy, Safe Entry Policy, and Travel Policy. The configurations that you set can be specific to each of your branches. So, you will be able to assign various sets of regulations to different branches in your organization.

Note: When a new branch is added, the policies will be assigned default values that can be modified according to your requirement.

Self-Assessment Policy: This allows you to set the date for assessment and the periodicity for conducting the assessment.

You can request all employees to fill out a self-assessment form to monitor their health, irrespective of whether they are coming to office or are working from home.

Two specific inputs that are captured here: the effective date or the date from which the policy takes effect and the frequency at which the assessment has to be undertaken.

Note: By default we would have set the effective date to the day the app is installed and the frequency to weekly. If suppose the effective date is changed to a future date, until the effective date the old assessment frequency will be applicable and after that, the new assessment frequency will come into play.

Safe Entry Policy: This allows you to determine the parameters for safe entry. These parameters have to be fulfilled for an employee to enter the campus.

There are aspects to safe entry policy:

  • You can determine if the assessment should be taken each time an employee checks into a building. You can further specify the intervals at which the assessment needs to be taken. If you select Daily, then on each day of entry, the self-assessment form needs to be submitted to gain entry. If not check-in is not possible. Or the assessment will be based on the predefined frequency. If the assessment for that period is filled, employees can enter. This aspect is set to Yes by default and the frequency is Daily.
  • You will be able to reject an entry request based on the mode of transportation. If there is a need to restrict entry requests from employees who come by public transport to work, you need to select the checkbox. The requests from employees commuting by public transport will automatically be rejected. This is applicable for both employees and visitors.
  • The third aspect is to restrict entry requests from people who have recently recovered from COVID-19. You will be able to specify the number of weeks after recovery that an employee can raise an entry request. The number is set to 10 by by default. If an employee who has recovered does not satisfy this criteria raises a request, it will be rejected.
  • Final aspect of providing entry is based on wellness factor. Wellness factor is a value calculated based on the responses given to the queries in the self-assessment form. The range of the score can lie between -20 to +20, with a score above 17 being eligible to raise an entry request. The super-admin/app owner can specify a threshold value below which entry requests will automatically be rejected.

Travel policy: This enables you to provide specification on entry for employees who have recent travel history.

  • You will be able to restrict employees and visitors who have recently traveled from raising safe entry requests. To place this restriction, you can specify the number of weeks for which an entry request cannot be raised following travel.
  • If an employee or visitor who has a travel history and does not satisfy the given specification, the entry request will automatically be rejected.
  • This policy will be enabled by default with the number of weeks set to two weeks.

Wellness Factor Calculation

It is calculated based on the responses given to the self assessment form for each assessment. The result can be in the range of -20 to +20.

Part - I

  • Have you ever tested positive for Covid-19 - 5 Points No (+5) Yes (-5)
  • When did you test positive for the virus
  • Have you recovered now (Yes/No)
  • What is your recovery date

Part - II

  • Do you live with children below 5 years or people aged above 60 years? - 1 point- Yes(-1) No (+1)
  • Have you been in contact with anyone who has or had Covid-19 or is being investigated on suspicion of contracting the virus in the last 15 days - 4 points- Yes (-4) No (+4)
  • Do you have or had any symptoms of the virus (like cold,cough, sore throat, muscle ache, runny nose, headache, diarrhoea, vomiting etc) in the last 15 days - 4 points - Yes(-4) No(+4)
  • Have you visited a hospital for any health issues in the last 15 days - 3 points- Yes(-3) No (+3)
  • Do you stay in a hotspot, a containment zone or a sealed off area - 3 points - Yes(-3) No (+3)


  • PART - II - We will sum up based on response
  • PART - I
  • If employee answers No - We can flatly add that +5
  • If employee answers Yes -
    • If employee has not recovered we calculate as -5
    • 7 days from date of recovery calculate as -4
    • 14 days from date of recovery calculate as -3
    • 21 days from date of recovery calculate as -2
    • 28 days from date of recovery calculate as -1
    • 35 days from date of recovery calculate as 0
    • 42 days from date of recovery calculate as +1
    • 49 days from date of recovery calculate as +2
    • 56 days from date of recovery calculate as +3
    • 63 days from date of recovery calculate as +3
    • 70 days from date of recovery calculate as +5
  • Total Wellness factor of employee = Part I + Part II