Visitor Safe Entry

Just as an Employee Safe Entry request, a visitor has to raise a safe entry request to gain access to the building. But the user requesting for entry will be the employee who is receiving that visitor. This employee has to furnish the details on the visitor and the details of the visit. On submitting the request, an email will be sent to the visitor along with a declaration form. The visitor has to fill this declaration form. The form consists of the self-assessment form and obtains information on visitor's travel history in the last 60 days, photograph, and signature field. Once these details are filled, the request will be sent for approval. When the approval is granted, rejected, or revoked, an email will be sent to both the visitor and the employee who raised the request.

The front desk staff will be able to raise entry requests on behalf of other employees also.


The Front Desk Staff, the Branch Managers, or the Admins will enable visitors to check-in and check-out of the building. The visitors could have their temperatures gauged for safety. Check-in/check-out multiple times in a day is possible, along with recording temperature multiple times.

A visitor who had initially been granted approval for entry can have the approval revoked later.

My Requests

All visitor safe entry requests raised by an employee will be displayed here. Employee will be able to raise request for multiple days of entry in a single form but duplication of requests for the same day is not permitted. If QR code is configured for entry, the QR code for that day's entry will be displayed in the report itself. Email notifications will be sent to employees and visitors when request is raised, approved, rejected, and revoked.

Requests Raised for Others

The admins, branch manager, and front desk staff will be able to raise visitor requests on behalf of other employees. This report displays those requests that are raised for by these users for other employees when they are receiving visitors.