Add a Tracking Domain

This API lets you add a tracking domain.

Request Type

  • POST

Request URL



List of Request Body Attributes

ParametersData TypeDescription
tracking_domainStringName of the tracking domain.

List of Response Body Attributes

ParametersData TypeDescription
responseJSON ObjectContains the response details of the API.
codeIntegerSuccess or failure code.
messageStringSuccess or failure message returned by the API.
tracking_domainJSON ArrayContains details of the tracking domain.
verify_statusStringIndicates the status of the tracking domain such as Unauthenticated, Pending, or Authenticated.
is_defaultBooleanIndicates whether this domain is the default one or not.
dns_host_nameStringHost name of the sending domain.
dns_record_typeStringRecord type of the sending domain.
dns_valueStringThe value which must be added in the DNS.
errorsJSON ArrayContains the error details of the API such as 'code' and 'message'.

Error Codes

Error CodeDescription


Domain name not provided.


No such domain configured.


Domain verification failed due to missing public key in DNS.

400111Invalid tracking domain.
400112Tracking domain already present.
400113Tracking domain not verified.
400114Default tracking domain cannot be deleted. Please mark another domain as default and try deleting.

Sample Request Payload

  "tracking_domain": ""

Sample Response - Success

  "response": {
    "code": 200102,
    "message": "Domain added successfully"
  "tracking_domain": {
    "dns_host_name": "",
    "dns_record_type": "CNAME",
    "dns_value": "",
    "verify_status": "Unauthenticated",
    "is_default": false

Sample Response - Failure

  "errors": [
      "code": 400111,
      "message": "Invalid tracking domain"