Get Single Tracking Domain Details

To get the details of a particular tracking domain.

Request Type

  • GET

Request URL{domain_name}



List of Response Body Attributes

ParametersData TypeDescription
responseJSON ObjectContains the response details of the API.
codeIntegerSuccess or failure code.
messageStringSuccess or failure message returned by the API.
tracking_domainJSON ArrayContains details of the tracking domain.
verify_statusStringIndicates the status of the tracking domain such as Unauthenticated, Pending, or Authenticated.
is_defaultBooleanIndicates whether this domain is the default one or not.
dns_host_nameStringHost name of the sending domain.
dns_record_typeStringRecord type of the sending domain.
dns_valueStringThe value which must be added in the DNS.

Sample Response - Success

  "response": {
    "code": 200105,
    "message": "Successfully obtained the domain details"
  "tracking_domain": {
    "dns_host_name": "",
    "dns_record_type": "CNAME",
    "dns_value": "",
    "verify_status": "Unauthenticated",
    "is_default": false

Sample Response - Failure

  "errors": [
      "code": 400104,
      "message": "No such domain configured"