API Status Codes
The success or failure of an API request is conveyed by the code and message in its response. The following table lists all the codes corresponding to Zoho Creator's REST APIs.
HTTP Status Code | HTTP Status | Code | Message | Description |
200 | OK | 8012 | Input format does not match the required format for the field | This error occurs when an input value does not conform with the required format of the Decimal, Percentage, and Currency fields. |
200 | OK | 8011 | 'fieldlinkname' has exceeded its maximum digits. | This error occurs when the maximum digit length is exceeded for fields such as Decimal, Percentage, Currency, and Number. |
200 | OK | 4000 | Account's Developer API limit has been reached. Please upgrade to execute more REST API calls. | The Zoho Creator subscription dictates the number of REST API requests that can be made per day. You'll have to check the Creator account's usage details and either upgrade its Developer API limit or wait a day to make the next API request. |
200 | OK | 3970 | A maximum of 200 records can be fetched per request. | The get records API can fetch up to 200 records per request. You'll have to use the from parameter in your requests to fetch records 1-200, 201-400, and so on. |
200 | OK | 3960 | A maximum of 200 records can be processed per request. Include the "process_until_limit" parameter to process the first 200 records. | A maximum of 200 records can be updated or deleted per request. Including process_until_limit=true in the update records and delete records API requests tells the request server to perform the update or delete operation for the first 200 records that match the given criteria. You'll have to loop your API requests until the more_records key in the response is returned as false. |
200 | OK | 3950 | A maximum of 200 records can be added per request. | The add records API can add up to 200 records per request. You'll get this error when the number of JSON objects in the request body exceeds 200. We recommend breaking down your input accordingly. |
200 | OK | 3930 | No reports available. | The target application does not have any reports. |
200 | OK | 3920 | No pages available. | The target application does not have any pages. |
200 | OK | 3910 | No forms available. | The target application does not have any forms. |
200 | OK | 3830 | You do not have permission to transfer files to/from the field "<FIELD_NAME>". Please check with the application admin. | The requesting user does not have permission to upload a file to the target file upload, image, audio, video or signature field since they don't have permission to add/update records in that form. |
200 | OK | 3780 | No subform named "<LINK_NAME"> found. Please check and try again. | The target form does not contain a subform with the given link name. You need to check the target form and use the correct field's link name in the API request. |
200 | OK | 3750 | "<LINK_NAME>" is not a file type field. Please check and try again. | The field link name given in the request does not belong to a file upload, image, audio, video or signature field in the target report. You need to check the corresponding form and use the correct field's link name in the API request. |
200 | OK | 3730 | No file found in the record with ID "<RECORD_ID>". | Either there's no file in the target file upload, image, audio, video, or signature field, or it contains a file of size 0 KB. |
200 | OK | 3710 | No field named "<LINK_NAME>" found. Please check and try again. | No field named "<LINK_NAME>" found. Please check and try again. |
200 | OK | 3660 | No file found in the request. Please include a file and try again. | The upload file API request does not have a file in it. An input file is required to perform the upload operation. |
200 | OK | 3630 | Input file exceeds the 50 MB limit. Please upload a smaller file. | The file upload field can accept a file that doesn't exceed 50 MB. The upload file API request will fail so when the input file exceeds this limit. |
200 | OK | 3190 | No record with ID "<RECORD_ID>" found. | There is no record in the target form with the given record ID. |
404 | NOT FOUND | 3100 | No records found for the given criteria. | There are no records in the target form/report that match the given search criteria. You may search using different criteria if required. |
200 | OK | 3090 | When no criteria is passed: When an invalid criteria is passed: When a field's link name, that used in the criteria, is incorrect: | This concerns the API requests that allow a criteria to be passed so as to perform the required operation on select records. Either the request requires a criteria and one hasn't been given, or the criteria is invalid, or the link name of one of the fields used in the criteria is incorrect. |
200 | OK | 3050 | Passing values for Formula, File Upload and Image type fields is not allowed. Use the Upload File API to update the File Upload and Image fields. | The add and update record APIs cannot assign a value for the formula, file upload, and image fields. The formula field's value is evaluated as per its expression and you must use the upload file API to upload a file to the file upload and image fields. |
400 | BAD REQUEST | 3020 | API request's body is either missing or incomplete. | The API request's body content is missing. |
403 | FORBIDDEN | 3002 | The "<FEATURE_NAME>" feature is currently not available for this Zoho Creator account. Please contact support@zohocreator.com to learn more. | This error will occur when the requesting user is trying to perform an operation that is beyond the Creator account's subscription. Please refer to the pricing page for feature availability. |
200 | OK | 3001 | 'fieldlinkname' has exceeded the maximum character length. | This error occurs when the maximum character length is exceeded for fields such as Single Line, Email, Radio, and Drop Down. |
200 | OK | 3001 | Value cannot be specified for formula field. | This error will occur when the user enters a value for a formula field since it is not a user input field. |
403 | FORBIDDEN | 2965 | No more entries allowed as per the form validation. | The form is configured to be disabled after accepting a certain number of entries. Learn more |
405 | METHOD NOT ALLOWED | 2945 | <http method> is not a valid method for this request. | This error is thrown when an irrelevant HTTP method is mentioned in a request. |
401 | AUTHORIZATION ERROR | 2945 | Please enter a valid input for '%s' key. | The value entered for the specified key is invalid. |
401 | AUTHORIZATION ERROR | 2945 | ERROR | This is an invalid OAuth scope. Please regenerate the OAuth token corresponding to the API with the proper OAuth scope. |
403 | FORBIDDEN | 2933 | You do not have permission to access this application. | The requesting user does not have access to the target application. In other words, it hasn't been shared with that user. |
403 | FORBIDDEN | 2930 | Error Occurred. We are sorry for the inconvenience. | Please contact support@zohocreator.com to learn more. |
200 | OK | 2902 | Invalid column value for fieldlinkname | An error is thrown when an invalid value is entered for fields such as Drop Down, Lookup, Multi Select fields, URL etc. |
403 | FORBIDDEN | 2899 | Permission denied to add record(s). | The requesting user is not permitted to add records to the target form/report. |
403 | FORBIDDEN | 2898 | Permission denied to view record(s). | The requesting user is not permitted to view the records of the target form/report. |
403 | FORBIDDEN | 2897 | Permission denied to update record(s). | The requesting user is not permitted to update the records of the target form/report. |
403 | FORBIDDEN | 2896 | Permission denied to delete record(s). | The requesting user is not permitted to delete the records of the target form/report. |
404 | NOT FOUND | 2894 | No report named "<REPORT_NAME>" found. Please check and try again. | There's no report in the target application with the given report link name. You may use this reference document to view the link names of your applications and components within them. (Use the domain that corresponds to your Zoho account to access the reference document) |
404 | NOT FOUND | 2893 | No form named "<FORM_NAME>" found. Please check and try again. | There's no form in the target application with the given form link name. You may use this reference document to view the link names of your applications and components within them. (Use the domain that corresponds to your Zoho account to access the reference document) |
404 | NOT FOUND | 2892 | No application named "<APPLICATION_NAME>" found. Please check and try again. | There's no application in the target Creator account with the given application link name. You may use this reference document to view the link names of your applications and components within them. (Use the domain that corresponds to your Zoho account to access the reference document) |
403 | FORBIDDEN | 1130 | You do not have permission to access this application's APIs. Please check with the application admin. | The API access permission is disabled for the requesting user. If you want to give the requesting user this permission, you must either enable it in their permission set or you must assign them another permission set where the API access permission is enabled. |
403 | FORBIDDEN | 1100 | You do not have permission to access this component. Please check with the application admin. | The requesting user is not permitted to access the target component (form, report, or page). |
403 | FORBIDDEN | 1080 | API calls cannot be made to disabled applications. Please check with the application admin. | There may have been a change in the Creator subscription that caused the target application to be disabled. You need to access the Creator account's home page and enable the target application. |
403 | FORBIDDEN | 1060 | Invalid request parameter found - 'paramname' | This error is thrown when an invalid parameter is included in the request. |
404 | NOT FOUND | 1040 | There is no such user. | The user's account name in the API request is not valid. You must use the username of the user in whose account the request is to be made. |
401 | AUTHORIZATION ERROR | 1030 | Authorization Failure. The access token is either invalid or has expired. Please check your Zoho Account for more information. | The access token passed in the authorization header is not valid. It may have expired, in which case you need to refresh the access token. |
401 | AUTHORIZATION ERROR | 1000 | A mandatory parameter - 'paramname' is either absent or has been used twice. Please check and try again. | This error is thrown when a mandatory parameter is not specified or when it is repeatedly mentioned. |
404 | NOT FOUND | 1000 | Invalid API URL format. | The URL of the API request is not valid. Please refer to the individual documents to learn about their format. |
200 | OK | 3000 | Message "Data Added Successfully" or the success message is configured by the user. | "Data Added Successfully" will be shown when the message key is either set to false or not been included in the API request. The form's message will be present in the response when a custom message is set and the API request includes message=true. |
429 | Too Many Requests | 2955 | You have reached your API call limit for a minute. Please try again after sometime. | The threshold limit for all v2 APIs is set at 50 calls/min. When the specified per min limit is reached, this error response will be displayed. |
200 | OK | 9030 | API looping to same component exceeded the specified limit of 1. Please contact us at support@zohocreator.com. | This concerns the incorrect usage of API calls to add data in the same form in the application. Assume Form A triggers a workflow and uses an API call on successful form submission to add another record to the same form. This cycle continues, allowing the workflow to run repeatedly in a loop, with data getting added to the same form endlessly. As a measure to stop this looping and avoid the subsequent performance dip, workflow execution will be limited to one loop, for actions that add records to the same form. That is, the workflow will only be triggered once. For repetitive workflow actions, or if there is a need for multiple actions, users should create functions and use them wherever required. This will avoid the need for unnecessary API requests. Please contact us at support@zohocreator.com. |
200 | OK | 9040 | API looping to other component exceeded the specified limit of 3. Please contact us at support@zohocreator.com. | This concerns the incorrect usage of API calls to add data between different forms in the same application. There are two related forms—A and B. On successful submission of Form A, an API call is used to add a record in Form B, which in turn hits another API call, submitting another record in Form A and continuing the same pattern, adding records in both the forms over and over again. As a measure to stop this looping, workflow execution will be limited to three loops for actions that add records to other forms. That is, the workflow will be triggered thrice, allowing records to be added in three forms, after which it will cease to trigger. For repetitive workflow actions, or if there is a need for multiple actions, users should create functions and use them wherever required. This will avoid the need for unnecessary API requests. Please contact us at support@zohocreator.com. |
429 | TOO MANY REQUESTS | 2955 | You have reached the maximum number of API calls that can be simultaneously initiated at a time. Please wait for a while and try again. | The API request failed since the maximum limit of 6 simultaneous API calls has been reached. The invoked request can be reinitiated once any of the ongoing requests are completed. |