Build serverless applications with ease - Zoho Creator

Build applications flawlessly, without having to worry about middleware and server upgrades, using Zoho Creator's auto-scaling capabilities.

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  • Multiple programming languages
  • Elegant syntax
  • Unmatched security

About serverless applications

Serverless applications leverage auto-scaling—a cloud computing feature that automatically adjusts resources—enabling developers to build high-quality applications without having to manually configure servers and middleware, like compilers and IDEs.

Address your software needs effectively

With a drag-and-drop code builder and guided scripting, once functions are written on Zoho Creator, they can be used across applications.

  • Prebuilt framework

    Zoho Creator has its backend set with compilers, IDEs, and interpreters; all the the user needs to do is sign up and start building applications on the go.

  • Write once, execute anywhere

    The cloud environment makes it easier for functions to be written, stored, and executed, while eliminating compatibility issues. A function once written for an application can be used by any other application on the account.

  • Unmatched security

    Since the software and security updates are handled centrally, all applications are GDPR- and HIPAA-compliant, always adhering to the latest standards and practices.

Complex business orchestration made easy

The cloud functions on Zoho Creator open an array of possibilities:

Easy maintenance

The cloud provider manages app infrastructure, so serverless applications auto-scale and run independently on the cloud, eliminating the need for manual maintenance of complex server infrastructure.

Easy maintenance

Custom functions to align business needs

The modular character of functions means that they run and scale independently. This can be utilized to address unique business roadblocks without affecting the macro process.

Custom functions to align business needs

Multi-language support

Along with Deluge, Zoho Creator now supports Java and Node.js to increase the scope of application development.

Multi-language support

Migrate your work seamlessly

Cloud functions let you migrate packages from other databases into the Zoho Creator library. This allows you to start from right where you left off and transition with ease.

Migrate your work seamlessly

Start building functions in 3 steps

Create an account

Create an account

The only software or hardware prerequisite for any Zoho product is to sign up.

Write the code

Write the code

Build the function using Zoho Creator's intuitive Deluge editor that can not only guide you but also minimize errors.

Integrate and share

Integrate and share

With powerful integrations to leverage, upgrade your functions and use them across applications.

Say goodbye to painful server management


Frequently Asked Questions

What is an auto-scaling/serverless application?

Auto-scaling applications are applications that are hosted on services which require no backend configuration and hardware management on the part of the user.

Serverless applications are not necessarily serverless, as the name suggests. They don't eliminate servers as a whole, but rather eliminate the need for a software developer to configure them manually.