Fields Meta Data


To get the field metadata for the specified module. The fields displayed are from all layouts for the module. The response does not contain layout-specific fields like mandatory fields or picklist values.

Request Details

Request URL


Supported modules

Leads, Accounts, Contacts, Deals, Campaigns, Tasks, Cases, Events, Calls, Solutions, Products, Vendors, Price Books, Quotes, Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, Invoices, Custom, and Activities


Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken d92d4xxxxxxxxxxxxx15f52




  • modulestring, mandatory

    Specify the API name of the required module. For example, Leads, Contacts, Accounts, Deals, and so on.

  • typestring, optional

    The value unused fetches all the unused fields and all fetches all both used and unused fields in the module. By default, the system fetches all the used fields.


  • Use the api_name of the fields in all API inputs instead of field labels. This ensures that the label name changes in custom modules or fields won't affect your existing integrations.
  • The fields whose permission is set as Don't Show will also be fetched in the response.

Sample Request

Copiedcurl ""
-H  "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf"
Copied//Get instance of FieldsOperations Class that takes moduleAPIName as parameter
$fieldOperations = new FieldsOperations($moduleAPIName);
//Call getField method which takes fieldId as parameter
$response = $fieldOperations->getField($fieldId);
Copiedfo =
# Call get_field method which takes field_id as parameter
response = fo.get_field(field_id)

Response JSON Keys

  • system_mandatoryboolean

    Represents if current field is a system-mandatory field.
    Possible values - true: The field is a system-mandatory field.
    false: The field is not a system-mandatory field.

  • privateJSON object

    Represents the details of compliance settings in your organization. For instance, "private": {
    "restricted": true,
    "type": "Low",
    "export": true

    • restricted(boolean)- Represents if normal/sensitive data have restricted access when accessed via API.
    • export(boolean)- Represents if both normal/sensitive data have restricted access when accessed via export.
    • type(string)- Represents the type of restriction. The possible values are Low/High based on field configuration in the layout.
  • webhookboolean

    Represents if the field is supported in webhook.

  • json_typestring

    Represents the JSON type of the field. For instance, JSON object, string, etc,.

  • textareaJSON object

    Contains the details of the multiline field.

    • typestring 

      Represents the type of multiline field.
      Supported values : 

      • small supports up to 2000 characters
      • large supports up to 32000 characters.
  • cryptJSON object

    Represents the status of the encryption. For instance: "crypt": {
    "mode": "encryption",
    "status": 1
    The possible values for the "mode" key are: encryption, decryption;
    The possible values for the "status" key are:

    • 1 - Represents that the field is encrypted.
    • 2- Represents that the encryption/decryption for the field is in progress.

    The "null" value represents that the key is decrypted.

  • tooltipJSON object

    Represents the details of the tooltip (name and value), if the field has one.

  • created_sourcestring

    Represents the source of the filed. The possible values for this field are: default, extension, and integration.

  • display_labelstring

    The display name of the field. This field will not be translated to user's preferred language. For instance, Lead Owner.
    All display labels related to Events are renamed to Meetings.

  • field_labelstring

    The display name of the field in the user's preferred language. All field labels related to Events are renamed to Meetings.

  • field_read_onlyboolean

    Represents if the field is read-only always.
    Possible values - true: The field is always read-only.
    false: The field is not always a read-only field, it can be updated.

  • read_onlyboolean

    Represents if the field is read-only for the current user.
    Possible values - true: The field read-only for the current user.
    false: The field is not read-only for the current user.

  • display_labelboolean

    Represents the display label of the current field. For instance, Last Name.

  • quick_sequence_numberinteger

    Represents the position of the field in the CRM.

  • businesscard_supportedboolean

    Represents if the current field can be added to business card section.
    Possible values - true: The field can be added to the business card section.
    false: The field cannot be added to the business card section.

  • idstring

    Represents the unique ID of the current field.

  • custom_fieldboolean

    Represents if the current field is a custom field.
    Possible values - true: The field is a custom field.
    false: The current field is a default field.

  • visibleboolean

    Represents if the current field is visible to the user.
    Possible values - true: The field is visible to the user.
    false: The current field is not visible to the user.
    The profiles key represents the permission required for each profile to view this field.

  • profilesJSON array

    Represents the different profiles that have access to this field and the access permission.
    The value null represents that the user does not have the Module Customization permission.

  • display_typeinteger

    Represents how the field is displayed based on its type .
    The value -1 represents that the field is a normal field while the value 2 represents that the field is "select only" (Eg: Best time to contact field).

  • history_trackingJSON object

    Represents the history of the picklist field if you have enabled history tracking.
    The value null represents that history tracking is not enabled for the field.

  • wizardbigint

    Represents that the field is a wizard.

  • multiselectlookupJSON object

    Represents the details such as linking module, connected module, lookup API name etc, of a multi-select lookup field.

  • multiuserlookupJSON object

    Represents the details such as linking module, connected module, lookup API name etc, of a multi-select user lookup field.

  • pick_list_values_sorted_lexicallyBoolean

    Represents whether the values of the picklist are sorted alphabetically.

  • subformJSON object

    Represents the details of the line items in the inventory modules.

  • lengthinteger

    Represents the size of the current field.

  • sortableBoolean

    Represents whether the field is sortable.

  • api_namestring

    Represents API name of the current field.

  • data_typestring

    Represents CRM field type of the current field. For instance, lookup.

  • formulaJSON object

    Represents the formula details, if the current field is a formula field.

  • decimal_placeinteger

    Represents the number of the decimal places allowed for the current field.

  • mass_updateboolean

    Represents if the field can be mass updated.
    Possible values - true: The current field can be mass updated.
    false: The current field cannot be mass updated.

  • pick_list_valuesJSON array

    Represents the list of all the picklist values, if the field is either a picklist or multi-select picklist field.
    The value for the key type in each picklist option represents if that option is used or not.
    The id represents the unique ID of every picklist option.
    The response contains both used and unused picklist values.

  • auto_numberJSON object

    Represents the auto-number details if the current field is an Auto-Number field.

  • hipaa_compliance_enabledboolean

    Represents if Contains Personal Health Data is enabled for the field.
    Possible values - true: The current field contains personal health data.
    false: The current field does not contain personal health data.

  • hipaa_complianceJSON object

    Represents the HIPAA compliance status of the field. The object includes the following keys
    restricted_in_export: Represents if the data export is restricted for the field. The value is true if Restrict Data in Export option is enabled in the HIPAA compliance settings.
    restricted: Represents if the field can be accessed via API. The value is true if Restrict Data access through API option is enabled in the HIPAA compliance settings.

Possible Errors


    Bad Request
    Resolution: You have not specified the mandatory parameter. Refer to parameters section above.


    The module name given seems to be invalid
    Resolution: You have specified an invalid module name or there is no tab permission, or the module could have been removed from the available modules. Specify a valid module API name.


    The given module is not supported in API
    Resolution: The modules such as Documents and Projects are not supported in the current API. (This error will not be shown, once these modules are been supported). Specify a valid module API name.


    Please check if the URL trying to access is a correct one
    Resolution: The request URL specified is incorrect. Specify a valid request URL. Refer to request URL section above.


    Resolution: Client does not have ZohoCRM.settings.fields.READ scope. Create a new client with valid scope. Refer to scope section above.


    Permission denied to read
    Resolution: The user does not have permission to read fields data. Contact your system administrator.


    Internal Server Error
    Resolution: Unexpected and unhandled exception in Server. Contact support team.


    The http request method type is not a valid one
    Resolution: You have specified an invalid HTTP method to access the API URL. Specify a valid request method. Refer to endpoints section above.


    User does not have sufficient privilege to read fields data
    Resolution: The user does not have the permission to retrieve fields data. Contact your system administrator.

Sample Response

    "fields": [
            "system_mandatory": false,
            "webhook": true,
            "json_type": "jsonobject",
            "crypt": null,
            "field_label": "Lead Owner",
            "tooltip": null,
            "created_source": "default",
            "type": "used",
            "field_read_only": true,
            "display_label": "Lead Owner",
            "display_type": -1,
            "ui_type": 8,
            "modified_time": null,
            "read_only": false,
            "association_details": null,
            "businesscard_supported": true,
            "multi_module_lookup": {},
            "currency": {},
            "id": "5725767000000002589",
            "custom_field": false,
            "lookup": {},
            "created_time": null,
            "hipaa_compliance": null,
            "filterable": true,
            "convert_mapping": {
                "Contacts": null,
                "Deals": null,
                "Accounts": null
            "visible": true,
            "profiles": [
                    "permission_type": "read_write",
                    "name": "Administrator",
                    "id": "5725767000000026011"
                    "permission_type": "read_write",
                    "name": "Standard",
                    "id": "5725767000000026014"
                    "permission_type": "read_write",
                    "name": "asd",
                    "id": "5725767000000871001"
                    "permission_type": "read_write",
                    "name": "Test",
                    "id": "5725767000001085002"
            "length": 120,
            "view_type": {
                "view": true,
                "edit": true,
                "quick_create": false,
                "create": true
            "display_field": false,
            "pick_list_values_sorted_lexically": false,
            "sortable": true,
            "subform": null,
            "external": null,
            "api_name": "Owner",
            "unique": {},
            "history_tracking": null,
            "data_type": "ownerlookup",
            "formula": {},
            "hipaa_compliance_enabled": false,
            "decimal_place": null,
            "mass_update": false,
            "multiselectlookup": {},
            "pick_list_values": [],
            "auto_number": {}
            "system_mandatory": false,
            "webhook": true,
            "json_type": "string",
            "crypt": null,
            "field_label": "Company",
            "tooltip": null,
            "created_source": "default",
            "type": "used",
            "field_read_only": false,
            "display_label": "Company",
            "display_type": -1,
            "ui_type": 1,
            "modified_time": null,
            "read_only": false,
            "association_details": null,
            "quick_sequence_number": "1",
            "businesscard_supported": false,
            "multi_module_lookup": {},
            "currency": {},
            "id": "5725767000000002591",
            "custom_field": false,
            "lookup": {},
            "created_time": null,
            "hipaa_compliance": null,
            "filterable": true,
            "convert_mapping": {
                "Contacts": null,
                "Deals": null,
                "Accounts": "Account_Name"
            "visible": true,
            "profiles": [
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                    "name": "Administrator",
                    "id": "5725767000000026011"
                    "permission_type": "read_write",
                    "name": "Standard",
                    "id": "5725767000000026014"
                    "permission_type": "read_write",
                    "name": "asd",
                    "id": "5725767000000871001"
                    "permission_type": "read_write",
                    "name": "Test",
                    "id": "5725767000001085002"
            "length": 200,
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            "subform": null,
            "external": null,
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            "history_tracking": null,
            "data_type": "text",
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                "Accounts": null
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                    "id": "5725767000000026014"
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            "visible": true,
            "profiles": [
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                    "id": "5725767000000026011"
                    "permission_type": "read_write",
                    "name": "Standard",
                    "id": "5725767000000026014"
                    "permission_type": "read_write",
                    "name": "asd",
                    "id": "5725767000000871001"
                    "permission_type": "read_write",
                    "name": "Test",
                    "id": "5725767000001085002"
            "length": 100,
            "view_type": {
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                "edit": true,
                "quick_create": true,
                "create": true
            "display_field": false,
            "pick_list_values_sorted_lexically": false,
            "sortable": true,
            "subform": null,
            "external": null,
            "api_name": "Email",
            "unique": {},
            "history_tracking": null,
            "data_type": "email",
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