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Get User Data

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The details about the users of an extension or vertical solution can be fetched using the zoho.crm.getRecords() deluge task.

Note: This task can be performed only in Zoho CRM Vertical Solutions.


<Response> = zoho.crm.getRecords("users", <page Long>, <perPage Long>, <userTypeMap map>);


ParamsData typeDescription



 Indicates the task response.



 Indicates the page number from which you want to retrieve records. The default value is 1.



 Specifies the number of records that need to be fetched per page. The default value is 200.



 specify the user Type. You can fetch All Users, Admin Users, Active Users, and Inactive Users using the key, value pairs ("type","AllUsers"), ("type","AdminUsers"), ("type","ActiveUsers"), and ("type","DeactivateUsers") respectively. 


Fetch all the active users associated with an extension or vertical solution.

response = zoho.crm.getRecords("users",1,200,{"type":"ActiveUsers"})
info response;

Response Format

Success Response

  • The success response will be returned in the following format.

    { "users": [ { "country": null, "role": { "name": "CEO", "id": "2853142000000026005" }, "city": null, "language": "en_US", "locale": "en_US", "microsoft": false, "Isonline": false, "Modified_By": { "name": "Latha Velu", "id": "2853142000000131009" }, "street": null, "alias": null, "id": "2853142000001501001", "state": null, "fax": null, "country_locale": "US", "first_name": "Brenda", "email": "", "Reporting_To": null, "zip": null, "created_time": "2019-07-30T11:26:00+05:30", "Modified_Time": "2019-07-30T11:26:00+05:30", "website": null, "time_format": "hh:mm a", "offset": 19800000, "profile": { "name": "Administrator", "id": "2853142000000026011" }, "mobile": null, "last_name": null, "time_zone": "Asia/Kolkata", "created_by": { "name": "Latha Velu", "id": "2853142000000131009" }, "zuid": "663254876", "confirm": true, "full_name": "Brenda ", "territories": [], "phone": null, "dob": null, "date_format": "MM/dd/yyyy", "status": "active" }, { "country": "null", "role": { "name": "CEO", "id": "2853142000000026005" }, "customize_info": { "notes_desc": null, "show_right_panel": null, "bc_view": null, "show_home": false, "show_detail_view": true, "unpin_recent_item": null }, "city": null, "signature": null, "name_format": "Salutation,First Name,Last Name", "language": "en_US", "locale": "en_US", "microsoft": false, "personal_account": false, "Isonline": true, "default_tab_group": "0", "Modified_By": { "name": "Latha Velu", "id": "2853142000000131009" }, "street": null, "alias": null, "theme": { "normal_tab": { "font_color": "#FFFFFF", "background": "#222222" }, "selected_tab": { "font_color": "#FFFFFF", "background": "#00FFFFFF" }, "new_background": null, "background": "#F3F0EB", "screen": "fixed", "type": "default" }, "id": "2853142000000131009", "state": "null", "fax": null, "country_locale": "US", "first_name": "Latha", "email": "", "Reporting_To": null, "zip": null, "decimal_separator": "en_US", "created_time": "2017-11-01T22:37:11+05:30", "Modified_Time": "2017-11-01T22:37:11+05:30", "website": null, "time_format": "hh:mm a", "offset": 19800000, "profile": { "name": "Administrator", "id": "2853142000000026011" }, "mobile": null, "last_name": "Velu", "time_zone": "Asia/Calcutta", "created_by": { "name": "Latha Velu", "id": "2853142000000131009" }, "zuid": "650456410", "confirm": true, "full_name": "Latha Velu", "territories": [], "phone": "null", "dob": null, "date_format": "MM/dd/yyyy", "status": "active" } ], "info": { "per_page": 200, "count": 2, "page": 1, "more_records": false } } }}


Round Robin Assignment

Assign Leads to your users using the round robin method.

lead_id = input.lead.get("Leads.ID");
datamap = map();
datamap.put("module", "Leads");
datamap.put("id", lead_id);
resp = zoho.crm.invokeConnector(("crm.get"), datamap);
resp1 = (resp.get("response")).toMap();
datalist = resp1.get("data").toJSONList();
reqq = datalist.get(0).toMap();
l_number = (reqq.get(("roundrobinleadassignment0.Lead_Number"))).toLong();
rule = reqq.get(("roundrobinleadassignment0.Assign_Using_Active_Assignment_Rule"));
m = map();
resp = zoho.crm.invokeConnector(("crm.getusers"), m);
respMap = (resp.get("response")).toMap();
users = respMap.get("users");
userList = users.toJSONList();
userIds = List();
for each user in userList
     eachUser = user.toMap();
max_lead_level = (userIds.size()).toLong();
ans = (abs((l_number % max_lead_level))).toLong();
if (rule == "true")
     ownerid = userIds.get(ans);
     updateMap = Map();
     updateMap.put("Lead_Owner" : ownerid);
     resp = zoho.crm.update("Leads",lead_id,updateMap);

Response Format

Success Response

{ "status_code": 200, "response": "{"users":[{"zip":6000049,"phone":9876543210,"fax":null, "status":"active","website":"http: //","street":null,"state":"TamilNadu", "country":"in","city":"Chennai","alias_name":null,"first_name":"Zoho","timezone":"Asia/Calcutta", "zuid":"3032021", "email":"","dob":22.2.1993,"last_name":Demo, "time_format":null, "role":"CEO","user_id":"1297376000000094003","language":"en_US", "confirm":true,"mobile":"9500080429","full_name":"ZohoDemo","profile":"Administrator"}, {"zip":null,"phone":null,"fax":null,"status":"deleted","website":null,"street":null, "state":null,"country":null,"city":null, "alias_name":null,"first_name":"Zoho1", "timezone":"Asia/Kolkata","zuid":null,"email":"", "dob":null,"last_name":"Demo1","time_format":null,"role":"CEO","user_id":"1297376000000108007", "language":"en","confirm":true,"mobile":null,"full_name":"Zoho1Demo1","profile":"Administrator"}]}" }

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