Create records in Zoho Recruit by uploading documents
Table of Contents
Create record in Zoho Recruit based on data present in an uploaded document. This task is based on the Zoho Recruit API document - UploadDocument.
- All records will be created only in the Candidates module.
Parameter | Data type | Description |
<variable> | KEY-VALUE | variable that holds the response returned by Zoho Recruit. |
<file> | FILE | refers to the file which will be uploaded to Zoho Recruit. For example, you can use the file uploaded in the File Upload field type (input.File_Upload) The data in the file will be used to populate values for various fields in the Candidates module. Last Name and Company are mandatory fields to create a record in the Candidates module. The supported file formats are: doc, docx, html, odt, txt, pdf, rtf |
<country> | TEXT | refers to the country to which the candidate belongs. Following are the supported values: AR | AU | BE | CZ | FR | DE | GR | HU | IN | IE | IT| NL | NO | RU | ZA | ES | SE | GB | USA |
<source> | TEXT | Refers to the source of the candidate. |
<connection> | TEXT | The link name of the Zoho Recruit connection. Note:
Upload document in Zoho Recruit to create a record
When the following snippet gets executed in Zoho Creator, a record is created in the "Candidates" module based on data present in the resume.
response = zoho.recruit.uploadDocument(input.file, "IN", "Advertisement", "recruit_connection");
Response Format
The response returned is of the following format:
"message":"Candidate added successfully",