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Send SMS

Note: This task is supported in all Zoho services except Zoho Creator. To send SMS from Zoho Creator, use Deluge's SMS integrations.


The sendSms Deluge task when executed sends an SMS using the connected SMS gateway service to the specified recipients. For example, a Zoho Inventory user can use this task to send SMS to their vendor whenever a product runs low on stock.


 to: <phone_number> 
 message: <message> 
 connection: <connection_link_name> 



ParameterData typeDescription

Phone number of the receiver.

The phone number must be in the format: +<country_code><phone_number>.


  • This param is optional while using the task with Clickatell connection and mandatory with Twilio connection.
  • While using Twilio connection, "My Twilio phone number" from your Twilio account must be supplied as value to this param.
  • With Twilio connection, you can send SMS to a specific phone number, while Clickatell offers the flexibility to send messages to both specific numbers and list of phone numbers.

Contents of the message that needs to be sent to the receiver.


  • Maximum character length allowed for Clickatell: 160
  • Maximum character length allowed for Twilio: 1600

Link name of the SMS gateway connection.

Supported services:

  • Clickatell
  • Twilio

Send an SMS using Twilio connection

The following snippet sends the message - "Thanks for attending the event. Hope you found it useful" to the specified phone number through the Twilio SMS gateway.

 to: +9199XXXXXXXX 
 message: "Thanks for attending the event. Hope you found it useful." 
 connection: "twilio_connection" 

Send an SMS to multiple users using Clickatell connection

The following snippet sends the message - "Thanks for attending the event. Hope you found it useful" to the specified list of phone numbers through the Clickatell SMS gateway.

// Create a collection to store all the recipients phone numbers 
recipients = Collection(); 
// Use sendSms task to send the specified message to all the recipients  
from: +9199XXXXXXXX 
to: recipients 
message: "Hello" 
connection: "clickatell" 

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