GET - Fetch All Organization Users Details


The API fetches all the user's details for the specified organization, when requested by the organization's admin.

OAuth Scope

Use the scope

ZohoMail.organization.accounts.ALL (or) ZohoMail.organization.accounts.READ 

to generate the Authtoken.

ALL - Grants full access to accounts.

READ - Grants read access to accounts.

Request URL 

Method: GET{zoid}/accounts

Path Parameters

  • zoid* long
    • This parameter denotes the unique Zoho Organization Identifier for the organization. 
    • This value can be retrieved using the GET Organization details API.

Query Parameters

  • start int
    • This parameter is used to get the user details of in batches. 
    • This parameter specifies the starting sequence number from which the user accounts data retrieval should start. Works better when used with limit parameter.
    • The default is 0.
  • limit int
    • This parameter is used to get the user details of in batches.
    • This parameter specifies the number of user accounts to retrieve from the start value. 
    • The default is 10.


* - Mandatory parameter

Response Codes

Refer here for the response codes and their meaning.

Sample Request (Using admin authentication)

Copiedcurl "" \
-X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken *********"

Sample Response

   "status": {
       "code": 200,
       "description": "success"
   "data": {
       "country": "in",
       "lastLogin": 1719997389714,
       "mxStatus": true,
       "activeSyncEnabled": false,
       "mobileNumber": "",
       "isCustomAdmin": false,
       "incomingBlocked": false,
       "language": "en",
       "type": "ZOHO_ACCOUNT",
       "extraStorage": {},
       "incomingUserName": "",
       "emailAddress": [
               "isAlias": false,
               "isPrimary": true,
               "mailId": "",
               "isConfirmed": true
       "mailboxStatus": "enabled",
       "ediscoveryStorage": {
           "iseDiscoveryStorageEnabled": true,
           "ediscoveryUsedStorage": 0,
           "ediscoveryAllowedStorage": 104857600
       "popBlocked": false,
       "usedStorage": 171,
       "spamcheckEnabled": true,
       "imapAccessEnabled": false,
       "timeZone": "Asia/Kolkata",
       "accountCreationTime": 1716450943660,
       "zuid": 853799631,
       "webBlocked": false,
       "planStorage": 100,
       "firstName": "Contacts",
       "accountId": "5236971000000008002",
       "sequence": 1,
       "mailboxAddress": "",
       "lastPasswordReset": 1720001704767,
       "tfaEnabled": false,
       "iamStatus": 1,
       "phoneNumer": "",
       "status": true,
       "lastName": "Test",
       "accountDisplayNameName": "rebecca",
       "role": "member",
       "gender": "NOT_SPECIFIED",
       "accountName": "workdrive",
       "displayName": "Contacts Test",
       "customFields": [],
       "isLogoExist": false,
       "primaryEmailAddress": "",
       "enabled": true,
       "mailboxCreationTime": 1716450947316,
       "basicStorage": "professional",
       "lastClient": "SMTP_IN",
       "allowedStorage": 104857600,
       "sendMailDetails": [
               "sendMailId": "5236971000000008004",
               "displayName": "Contacts Test",
               "serverName": "",
               "signatureId": "null",
               "serverPort": 25,
               "userName": "",
               "connectionType": "plain",
               "mode": "mailbox",
               "validated": false,
               "fromAddress": "",
               "smtpConnection": 0,
               "validationRequired": true,
               "validationState": 0,
               "status": true
       "popFetchTime": -1,
       "address": {
           "country": "",
           "streetAddr": "",
           "city": "",
           "postalCode": "",
           "state": ""
       "planType": 82,
       "userExpiry": -1,
       "popAccessEnabled": true,
       "imapBlocked": false,
       "iamUserRole": "member",
       "outgoingBlocked": false,
       "policyId": {
           "1082700000192558003": "Business Policy",
           "zoid": 1234567890
       "smtpStatus": true,
       "extraEDiscoveryStorage": {}