
The API is used to update the general settings and text parameters associated with group actions for a specified group.

OAuth Scope

Use the scope

ZohoMail.organization.groups.ALL (or) ZohoMail.organization.groups.UPDATE

to generate the Authtoken.

ALL - Full access to groups.

UPDATE - Update group general settings and text parameters.

Request URL

Method: PUT


Path Parameters

  • zoid* long
    • This parameter denotes the unique Zoho Organization Identifier for the organization.
    • This parameter can be retrieved from the Organization Details API.
  • zgid* long
    • This parameter is used to identify the group from which the data has to be retrieved. This is generated during group addition.
    • This parameter can be retrieved from the Get all groups API.

Request Body (JSON Object)

  • mode* string
    • This parameter represents the type of operation that is to be performed.
    • Provide the value as updateMailGroupOption.
  • groupGeneralSettingVO* VO Object for Groups General settings

    This object should contain the following parameters to detail the settings of the group to be updated:

    • mailboxId* long
      • Specifies the mailbox ID for which the settings should be updated.
    • subjectPrefix string
      • Specifies whether the subject should be prefixed for the emails sent to the group.
    • replyTo string
      • Specifies Reply To Email Address that needs to be set for the Group mail account.
      • The default value is the group email address.
    • bounceThreshold int
      • Specifies the number of bounces, after which the user account, for whom the emails cannot be delivered, should be disabled for group delivery.
      • The possible value can be between and 100.
    • notifSubscription boolean
      • Specifies whether the notification is required for the group account or not.
      • The possible value can be
        • true
        • false
  • grpTxtSettings* VO Object for group text values.

    This object should contain the following parameters to detail the group text settings to be updated:

    • mailboxId* long
      • Specifies the mailbox ID for which the text values should be set.
    • subscriptionText string
      • Specifies the text to be sent to the user, when the user is added to the group. 
    • unSubscriptionText string
      • Specifies the text to be sent to the user, when the user unsubscribes or is removed from the group. 
    • rejectText string
      • Specifies the text to be sent to the sender, when an email to the group is rejected.
    • autoResponseText string
      • Specifies the auto-response text to be sent to the sender, when he/she sends an email to the group. 
    • memberApprovalText string
      • Specifies the text to be sent to the group when an email from a member is approved and delivered to the group. 
    • adminMemberApprovalText string
      • Specifies the text to be sent to the admin, when an email is held for moderation.  
    • bounceText string
      • Specifies the text as a bounce message, when an email is bounced and rejected during moderation.
    • isNotToOrCcText string
      • Specifies the text to be sent when an email was rejected as the group email address was not in To/ Cc and the group cannot accept bcc emails.
    • spamApprovalText string
      • Specifies the text to be sent to the administrator when an email suspected as Spam is approved and delivered to the group. 

* - Mandatory parameter

Response Codes

Refer here for the response codes and their meaning.

Sample Request

    "groupGeneralSettings": {
        "bounceThreshold": 11,
        "replyTo": "marketing@zylkernew.com",
        "mailboxId": 1000000009001,
        "notifSubscription": 1,
        "subjectPrefix": "abc"
    "groupTextSettings": {
        "bounceText": "Your email to the marketing@zylkernew.com cannot be delivered due to the Group rules",
        "adminNonMemberApprovalText": "Your email to the group marketing@zylkernew.com has been approved and delivered to the group.",
        "ackStatusText": "Your email to the group marketing@zylkernew.com has been held for review by the moderator and is in moderation queue",
        "adminMemberApprovalText": "Your email to the group marketing@zylkernew.com has been approved and delivered to the group.",
        "subscriptionText": "You have been added as a member of the group and you will receive emails sent to marketing@zylkernew.com",
        "unSubscriptionText": "You have been un-subscribed from the group marketing@zylkernew.com and you will no longer receive emails sent to the group.",
        "mailboxId": 1000000009001,
        "rejectText": "Your email sent to the group marketing@zylkernew.com was considered inappropriate to the group and was rejected by the moderator.",
        "autoResponseText": "Thanks for your email to marketing@zylkernew.com.",
        "memberApprovalText": "Your email sent to the group marketing@zylkernew.com was approved by the moderator and sent to the group.",
        "spamApprovalText": "An email suspected as spam has been approved and delivered to the group",
        "isNotToOrCcText": "An email was rejected as the group email address was not in To/ Cc and the group cannot accept bcc emails. "
    "mode": "updateMailGroupOptions"