
ZohoSalesIQ Mobile SDK lets you embed tracking and live chat into your existing mobile application. This enables your users to converse with your support team quickly in case help is needed and helps you make the support experience seamless. The SalesIQ Mobile SDK comes with a feature-rich set of APIs that allow you to integrate seamlessly with your application. You may check the API Reference section for more information on the available APIs and click the below button to get a sample app.

Download Sample APK

Note: Zoho SalesIQ is GDPR Compliant. The website and Mobile SDK configurations remain the same. If you have already configured it on your site, it will be automatically reflected in the Mobile SDK as well. If it's not reflected, learn how to configure it.

Installing Live Chat on your iOS Mobile Application

You can install the ZohoSalesIQ Mobilisten SDK either using Cocoapods or by doing a manual installation using the Mobilisten Framework file.


The iOS SDK is compatible with iOS version 12 and above; Xcode 13.0 and above is required as the development environment.

Mobilisten Compatibility Matrix:

Xcode VersionMobilisten Version
13 and Above    9.0.1

Embed the SDK into Your Mobile Application

There are two methods to install SalesIQ Mobilisten in your iOS application. One is installation using Cocoapods, and the next one is manually adding the Mobilisten framework to your project. 

Install using Cocoapods:

Step 1: To add ZohoSalesIQ SDK to your app, you should add Mobilisten pod to the podfile.

Copiedsource 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '12.0'

target 'Project Target' do
     pod 'Mobilisten'end

Step 2: Once the required pods are added, open the terminal and run the following command from the terminal

pod repo update && pod install

Note: If you do not have a Podfile in your project directory or do not use Cocoapods, you can run the pod init command from the projects directory. This will create a new Podfile

Install Manually:

Step 1: In Project settings, under the General Tab, Under the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section (or) Embedded Binaries(in older Xcode versions), Click the (+) button to add a new framework/xcframework.

Step 2: Click Add Other in the Choose frameworks and libraries to add option and click Add Files.. in the Choose frameworks or libraries to add menu.

Step 3: Select the Mobilisten.framework (or) Mobilisten.xcframework file to include the Mobilisten framework in your project. Once included, make sure you have selected Embed & Sign for the framework. Select Copy items if needed and if prompted in Destination.

Step 4: Link libicucore.tbd and libicucore.A.tbd

Step 5:If your project is a pure Objective-C project, Set Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries under Build Settings to YES

Step 6: Update Info.plist. Update the Info.plist file to include the below permissions for the application.

Step 7: After successful installation, import Mobilisten to your project

For Swift:

import Mobilisten

For Objective-C:

#import <Mobilisten/Mobilisten.h>

Step 8:  Initialize the SDK with the App key and Access keys for the bundle ID. The code will look as follows when the App key and Access key are inserted:

For Swift:

CopiedZohoSalesIQ.initWithAppKey(APP KEY, accessKey:ACCESS KEY) { error in
     if error == nil {
       // Initialization successful
    } else {
      // Initialization failed, handle error

For Objective-C:

Copied[ZohoSalesIQ initWithAppKey:APP KEY accessKey:ACCESS KEY authProvider:NULL completion:^(id<SIQError> _Nullable error) {
    if (error == nil) {
        // Initialization successful
    } else {
        // Initialization failed, handle error 

Example of how to insert the code on your application:

Copiedfunc application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool
        ZohoSalesIQ.initWithAppKey("Jve9A%2FFqxjnTjfT7YjHr3zKHoj4Prq6wXRmnJ", accessKey:"0Al2AB7GufM9S3GJmV1uUGGcony166WluKrtkzGYsozC0GsEEigVEDzfPtmmM0N8X") { error in
            if error == nil {
                // Initialization successful
            } else {
                // Initialization failed, handle error
        return true

Note: By default, if you wish to display the Mobilisten Launcher/Chat Button in your application, then you can use the ZohoSalesIQ.Launcher.show(.always) API

Once the code is embedded, you can view the Launcher on your application.