The complete digital signature app for educational institutions
Streamline paperwork with e-signatures
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Go paperless
Students, teachers, parents, and everyone in the education system want all the administrative tasks to be digitized and accessible from anywhere using their mobile devices. With Zoho Sign, educational institutions can use electronic signatures to expedite paperwork and improve the overall academic experience.
Popular use cases
- Student application forms
- Parking forms
- Financial forms
- Offer letters
- Admission acceptance letters
- Leave letters
- Loan documents
- ID documents
- HR documents
- Progress reports
- Teacher reports
- Timesheets
Legally binding
Digital signatures are as legally valid as handwritten signatures around the globe. All documents signed using Zoho Sign are legally binding and comply with the ESIGN ACT, UETA, EIDAS, and other international laws.
Collaborate over documents and collect signatures online. Say goodbye to siloed manual systems and spend more time on work.
Save time and money normally spent on printing, couriers, filing, and much more with digital signatures. Automate and digitize all these manual operations and improve productivity.
Sign, send, and manage your educational documents from anywhere with our native mobile apps for Android and iOS.