Scalemarketing efforts for your business with Zoho Social

A social media marketing tool to help you streamline your LinkedIn content strategy, and, reach—all from one dashboard.

Get StartedScale Linkedinmarketing efforts for your business with Zoho Social
Scale marketing efforts for your business with Zoho SocialScale marketing efforts for your business with Zoho SocialScale marketing efforts for your business with Zoho SocialScale marketing efforts for your business with Zoho Social
Icon Lead Generation
Icon Repeat-Post Automation

Scheduling tools built to optimize your LinkedIn Marketing goals

Robust Content CalendarRobust Content Calendar

Robust Content Calendar

Brewing up new content for your business? Add them to your Zoho Social publishing calendar to visualize and plan better for your LinkedIn Pages and Profiles.

Optimized Publishing WindowOptimized Publishing Window

Optimized Publishing Window

Take advantage of a publishing window built to optimize your brand reach, with tools like Set-targeting to fine tune audience your LinkedIn audience and reach only those who matter.

Advanced Scheduling ToolsAdvanced Scheduling ToolsAutomationIcon

Advanced Scheduling Tools

Explore a set of powerful scheduling tools like the SmartQ predictions and Repeat-post automation to reach your LinkedIn audience when they're active.


View and respond to messages from your LinkedIn Page

Your prospects and customers are trying to reach you, including on your LinkedIn Page. It's crucial to stay on top of these conversations, as direct messaging through social media proves to be one of the best ways to build customer relationships. Receive and respond to LinkedIn messages directly from Zoho Social's Messages tab or Inbox tab. You can manually respond, or set up assignment rules under your Inbox preference and assign a DRI for incoming queries.

LinkedIn edits
LinkedIn create assignments
LinkedIn messages

Get actionable insights into your LinkedIn Pages and Profiles performance.


Complete Reporting Dashboard

IconComplete Reporting DashboardComplete Reporting DashboardComplete Reporting Dashboard

Granular LinkedIn Analytics

View top performing posts by engagement, figure out your core audience, and see what type of LinkedIn content is working best for your business.

IconGranular LinkedIn AnalyticsGranular LinkedIn AnalyticsGranular LinkedIn Analytics

Customized Brand Reports

Want to track and export a few key numbers? Build your own LinkedIn reporting dashboards by hand-picking only the metrics that matter.

Customized Brand ReportsCustomized Brand ReportsCustomized Brand Reports
  • Icon

    Complete Reporting Dashboard

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    Granular LinkedIn Analytics

    View top performing posts by engagement, figure out your core audience, and see what type of LinkedIn content is working best for your business.

  • Icon

    Customized Brand Reports

    Want to track and export a few key numbers? Build your own LinkedIn reporting dashboards by hand-picking only the metrics that matter.

Build the best social media presence for your brands

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