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    Case Study

    "Zoho Sprints made our work more organized by giving us real-time sprint reports. It was very simple to log our work in timesheets. We were able to work more productively by adding tasks and logging time on the go in the mobile app of Zoho Sprints."

    Sathish TProject Manager, Digient Technologies
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    Case Study

    "We adopted Zoho Sprints for the ease of use and the benefits that come with the Zoho ecosystem. Zoho Sprints transformed the way we work and helped us in dealing with efficiently managing our projects"

    Razvan IONESCUCEO, Security Portal
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    "Good price for the features"

    Jorge CarmonaThe Stratega

    "Easy interface and integration"

    Reg HormanPexion Group

    "The Best Agile Project Management Solution ever built! Amazing customization options, beautifully laid out with neat UI. Quick support and perfect resolution to queries."

    Adarsh NarayanFounder and CEO, Vibhaa Technologies

    "I like the customization of features, especially creating card templates and statuses. Custom templates comes in handy when we are importing from another platform like Trello and we want to use the same format."

    Sean C API Engineer, Core Software Integrated

    "Very good for large projects that you have to break in multiple stories or tasks."

    Luís GuilhermeCEO, Dexpertio

    "I was looking for a tool that could replace the simplicity of Trello but providing the robustness of Jira. Zoho Sprints does that and even more. I like how one can have a lot of info in one tool without feeling overwhelmed by it."

    Francisco QuinteroTechnical Lead, Dev As Pros

    "We used Zoho Sprints to organize ongoing processes that were not necessarily linked to a project with a beginning, middle and end. After using Zoho Sprints, we were able to clearly visualize all the steps. In addition to Kanban stories and boards, we use other Sprints functionality, such as: integration with Bitbucket, epics and timesheets for time tracking with our external staff."

    Fernando LunardelliTech Lead and Scrum Master, Alright AdTech

    "I like the Scrum Board. The board. The way it shows the stories and tasks"

    CEO, Infinijth