Mail Assistant

Mail Assistant in the Zoho webmail interface assists you in performing specific actions that will otherwise require multiple navigation and searches. It has a set of predefined commands that can perform actions like setting reminders, adding a task, making a call, etc., in the webmail interface. 

Mail Assistant can be used to navigate you to a particular application. It helps you create a mail, task, or event by giving a command. You can change the settings of your mailbox using predefined commands. You can also send an email, start a chat or call a contact in your organization by @mentioning their name in Mail Assistant

Steps to launch Mail Assistant

Mail Assistant can be accessed from the right bottom of your webmail interface. You can click the Flash icon on the right pane or press the (command + k) or (ctrl + k) keys, to launch your Mail Assistant.
Mail Assistant


Mail Assistant supports the following set of input commands. You can type these commands in the search bar of the Mail Assistant to access your inbox, create a task, send an email, etc.,

  • Go to commands
    Typing the phrase Go to in the search bar will display the navigation commands that are available in Mail Assistant. These commands help you navigate to the mail suite applications, folders, etc., available in the Zoho Mail web interface.
  • Create commands
    Typing the (+) symbol or the word Create in the search bar will display the create commands available in Mail Assistant. These commands help you create new mail, event, task, etc.,
  • Settings commands
    These commands help you apply or change the Zoho Mail settings, themes, etc.,
  • @mention commands
    Type followed by the name of a contact from within your organization. You can choose a contact and initiate a chat, call, or send an email using this command.
  • Slash (/) commands

Go to commands

Type the phrase Go to in the search bar. A list of navigation commands will be shown. You can click on any of the listed commands or type a command from the list given below and click Enter.

Go to

Go to MailIt will navigate you to the Mail application and land you in the Inbox folder.
Go to TaskIt will navigate you to the Task application and land you in the Assigned to me section.
Go to NotesThe Notes application will be opened. You will land in the My personal notes section.
Go to BookmarksTo navigate to the Bookmarks application. You will land in the My Bookmarks folder.
Go to NotificationsTo view all the notifications in the Notifications Center. Notification Center offers a single view of all the notifications in hierarchical order.
Go to FoldersYou can access any of the folders in your mailbox.
Go to CalendarTo navigate to the Calendar application in the mailbox.
Go to ContactsTo access the Contacts application in Zoho Mail.
Go to StreamsNavigates you to the Streams Home tab.
Go to GroupHelps you navigate to a specific group in Streams.
Go to Attachment viewerYou can view all your attachments under the My attachments tab from your mailbox.
Go to TagHelps you to navigate to a particular folder under the Tags section in the left pane of your mailbox. You will be navigated to the tags folder based on the application you are in.
Go to Shared folder You can access the mail folders in the Shared with me section of your mailbox.
Switch IMAP/POP AccountHelps you switch to the IMAP/POP account linked to Zoho Mail.
Go to viewTo view messages based on the filters (Unread, All messages, Flagged, All archived) listed under the Views section in the left pane of your mailbox.
Go to settingsTo access all your webmail settings.
Go to offline settingsTo enable/disable and manage the Offline mode settings in your mailbox.
Go to eWidgetTo access the eWidget extensions available in your webmail.

Create commands

Type the (+) symbol or the word Create in the search bar. A list of Create commands will be displayed. Select any of the listed commands or type any of the commands given in the list below and click Enter.


+ MailTo create a new mail. The compose tab of your mailbox will be opened.
+ EventTo create a new event in your calendar. The Create event box will be opened.
+ TaskTo add a new task. The Add Task box will appear.
+ NoteTo create a new note. A new note tab will appear on the screen.
+ BookmarkTo create a new bookmark. Add Bookmark box will open to add an URL to your bookmarks collection.
+ New incoming filterTo create a new incoming filter to your mailbox. The Incoming Emails Filter tab in settings will be opened to create a new incoming filter.
+ New outgoing filterTo create a new outgoing filter for the emails sent from your account. The Outgoing Emails Filter tab in settings will be opened to add a new outgoing filter for your sent emails.
+ ContactsTo add a new contact to your personal contact list. The Add contact - (Personal) box will pop up to enter the details of the new contact.
+ Streams PostTo create a new post in Streams. The Post Message box will appear on the screen. You can give the inputs and select the group to post the message and click Post to create a new Streams post.

Settings commands

Type the (/) symbol in the search bar. The list of settings commands supported by the Personal Assistant will be displayed. You can choose any one command from the list or type the commands given below in the search bar and click Enter.


/ Check-inYou can check in from your mailbox using this command.
/ Check-outYou can also check out from your mailbox using this command.

The Check-in and Check-out command works based on Zoho People integration into Zoho Mail's web interface.

Apart from the (/) commands, you can also access all the settings available in the Zoho Mail web interface by typing the name of the setting in the search bar.

For example, Typing Font in the search bar will display the predefined settings commands like Display fonts, Compose font family, and Compose font size. You can select one from the list and click enter. You will be directed to the Compose settings tab containing the given settings command.


You can also use the Slash (/) Commands to invoke other applications to fetch data, add or update any data from the Mail Assistant. Learn More

@mention commands

Typing in the search bar of Zoho Mail's Personal Assistant will display the names in your frequently contacted list. You can also type followed by the name of a contact within your organization. Click Enter after typing the @name of the contact. A list with the commands given below will be displayed. Choose one of the commands and click Enter.


Start ChatThe Cliq application in the mailbox will be opened and the chatbox of the contact will appear. 
Start Audio CallThe Audio call will be placed to the contact using the Cliq application in your mailbox.
Start Video CallYou can video call the contact using the Cliq application in the mailbox.
Send an EmailThe mail composer will open with the @mentioned contact's email address in the To address field.

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