Visualize customer behavior

Dive deeper into customer actions, leverage insights to optimize your business profiles, and boost engagement.

Visualize customer behavior

Compare locations

Understanding customers doesn't have to be complicated. Gain extensive data on how they discover and engage with your listings at every stage, presented with clear graphics. Add these insights into the Overview section and easily compare locations.

Compare locationsCompare locations
Analyze impressionsAnalyze impressions

Analyze impressions

Don't get stuck wondering how often customers find your business listings. Get detailed impressions across four key channels: desktop search, desktop map, mobile search, and mobile map.

Track engagement

Learn about the steps customers take before making a purchase. Uncover if they prefer messaging or phone calls and in what quantity. This helps make experiences personal and reduces the risk of losing potential business.

Track engagementTrack engagement
High-value keywordsHigh-value keywords

High-value keywords

Find the common words or phrases people use when searching for your business. Use them in your website, listings, and review responses to improve visibility. By analyzing keywords and understanding intent, you can address audience questions more effectively.

Forecast foot traffic

Map and website clicks reveal how effectively a business leads customers from discovering it to considering it. Studying this data also identifies the busiest days for store visits, aiding in planning and preparation.

Forecast foot trafficForecast foot traffic