Introduction to the application

Zoho BackToWork app is here to offer you with a mechanism to make your workplace a safe environment to return to in a post pandemic condition. This app houses various modules to gather and store data about our employees, monitor status of your health, create a screening process while you or your visitors enter the campus, make internal announcements to keep you posted, enable you to raise and track requests, provide you with the tools to communicate your requirements, take into account your health assessment, track your travel history, and get insights with the data collected to ensure you and our workplace remain safe, while we try to keep our business running.

Modules in the app

You can access this app from your mobile devices. The mobile version of the app is available on Playstore and Appstore for you to download and install.

The mobile app will enable you to fill in your self-assessment and verify your wellness score based on the organization's wellness policy, raise safe entry requests, and raise asset and maintenance requests. You will be able to view your requests and track their status. The organization volunteer programs and communications (announcements, safety documents, FAQs, and policies) will also be available on your mobile app.

Users and user roles

Each employee with access to the app is a user of the app, which includes the admin of the app as well. Each set of users has unique functions in the app. In order to define these functions clearly, we have categorized the actions and access to the app's components into user roles. Each user role has a specific set of actions applicable to it: these actions include a varied range of combination of actions like adding records, viewing reports, modifying records, and deleting records. For instance, a user of one profile might only have permission to view the records, while another user of a different profile might have permission to view, add, and modify the records in a particular report. In another instance, the former might have permission to view, add, and modify records, and the latter might have only view permission.

The user roles are defined taking into account the logic based on which the app's modules are constructed and which type of user needs what level of access to the components of the app.

The following are the user roles available in this app:

Admin - The admin is an employee who is the owner of the app. The admin has access to all the components of the app and provides the specifications for the workplace setup at the organizational level. The admin can share the app to the employees, assign user roles to employees based on which actions they should be able to perform in the app, remove users from the app, and view, add, edit, and delete records.

Employee - The employee profile is assigned to employees who work for your organization and need to follow the protocols of the organization to make your workplace a safe environment. Employees with this profile will not have administrative functions. They will be mandated to take assessments, they will be able to raise requests and view them, and view dashboards for which they have permission.

Service Agent - The service agent role is assigned to employees who perform duties associated with the asset requests that are raised by the employees of your organization. Each service agent will be assigned asset requests and will have a view of all those requests. They will be able to update the status of the request and enable tracking of progress.

Maintenance Staff - The maintenance staff role is assigned to employees who are responsible for building maintenance activities in the various branches of your organization. They will be assigned maintenance activities and each person will be able to view individual requests. They will be able to update the status of the activity and enable tracking of progress.

Front Desk Staff - The front desk staff role is assigned to employees who handle the front desk or reception duties: this includes employee checkin and checkout and visitor checkin and checkout.

Employee Entry Approver - The employee entry approver is an employee who is provided with the permission to approve or reject safe entry requests that are submitted using the Employee Entry Request form.

Visitor Entry Approver - The visitor entry approver is an employee who is provided with the permission to approve or reject the visitor entry requests that are submitted by individuals who visit the campus.

Asset Request Approver - The asset request approver is an employee who is provided with the permission to approve or reject asset requests that are raised using the Asset Request form.

Maintenance Audit Approver - The maintenance audit approver is an employee who is provided with the permission to approve or reject maintenance audits. This person will be able to view and approve pending audits, view approved audits, and reject requests.

Branch Manager - The branch manager is of an administrative role. The organization can have multiple branches from where employees function and each branch can have one or more buildings. Each of these branches is assigned a branch manager who supervises that facility.